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Anna was angry that Rachel was sending her away once again. Sure, it was just to Hannibal's house. But it was like she was being given up on. It hurt her. Of course, she'd wait till her dad was gone to do this. 

Anna sat in Hannibal's car in silent. She had her ear buds in as she laid back against the head rest and watched the world around her go by. She was quiet. If Hannibal wasn't able to see her in his side vision, it would've been easy to forget that she was in his car.

He felt for her. She must be feeling betrayed once again. But soon, she will understand that he is doing this for her safety. She was a danger to herself in ways still. She could end up hurting herself. Maybe she could find feelings for him as well.

No... He can't think like that.

She's a minor still.


They arrived at his home, and he helped her out. Anna looked at the house as Hannibal got her duffle bag. She looked over and grabbed her other things with him. He led her inside. She looked around his huge home.

"I'll show you to your room." Hannibal told her. She just followed him. "I made the room up for you. But you can do what you want with it." He told her as he walked her to the door of a room. He opened it for her, letting her step inside.

 He opened it for her, letting her step inside

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It was a white and black room. Mainly white. There was even a wall that was chalkboard., He wanted her to write her feelings and draw on it to help her. Maybe write her dreams out on it. Who knows what she can do with it.

The king sized bed had white sheets and comforter, with gray and white pillows. A gray furry carpet, some tea lights hanging up, and a hammock with a fuzzy blanket and a gray pillow inside it.

He wanted her comfortable.

He sat her things down, watching her look around at everything. "I will be down in the kitchen when your ready." He told her. Anna looked at him. "I would like to be alone." She told him. Hannibal nodded in understanding. 

"Take all the time you need. I will be making dinner. If you want to stay up here, I will bring you dinner. But leave the door open." He told her. Anna nodded and turned away. 


Anna soon left her newest room, to look around his home. She was done crying. She wanted to go home. But this will be her home for a while now. Making her way downstairs to the kitchen, she saw Hannibal there. He was looking casual in his green button down, and dark pants. 

He turned and smiled at her as she walked up. "Hello Anna. Are you feeling better?" He asked her. "Other than being angry at being forced to live with my therapist because everyone thinks you'll slit your wrists again? I'm doing fan-fucking-tastic." She sassed, before sighing.

Hannibal smiled and chuckled a bit at her words.

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"I'm sorry. Alot going on in my head, mix that with the fact that I'm hardly able to sleep anymore. So, I'm very sorry for my tone and rudeness." She told him. Hannibal went over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Anna. I don't want you thinking you are trapped here. I'm here to help you. I want to make sure that you don't harm yourself and take your meds. I want to help you." He told her. She looked him in the eye. 

She nodded. 

"I'm not going to hurt myself. I don't want to go back to the asylum. If this is what keeps me from being committed, then I'll do it." She told him. He gave her head a stroke. She had soft hair. he liked running his hand threw it.

"Can I help make dinner?" She asked him, moving away from him to the counter to look at everything that he was prepping before she came down. "Of course. I'm making beef stew." He told her.


Anna sat at the table with Hannibal as dinner was served. She looked at the stew she helped make. She then looked around his large dining room. "Do you have people over a lot?" She asked him, as she waited for the stew to cool off enough to eat.

Hannibal looked up at her. "Yes. I do tend to have dinner parties. I enjoy cooking for people every now and then." He told her. He watched her. Wanting to see what she thought of the food he had for her.

Trying his 'special' meat that he used for it. 

She took a spoonful and blew on it, his eyes moving to her lips, his mind wandering how it would feel like on his. Her mouth, that he has imagined on his member, wrapped around the spoon as she took a bite.

She chewed and swallowed. She looked up at him.

"This is really good." Anna complimented his cooking. He smiled at her praise. "Well, it might be better to you as you helped me make it." He joked with her. Anna smiled some more as she took a biscuit, and took a bite as she went back to the stew.


By the time for bed Hannibal walked to Anna's room. He held a camera, and head scanning stickers. He knocked on the door. 

"Anna. You said that you weren't able to sleep well at night, I want to use this to examine how you sleep. Just when you sleep. These will scan your brain waves. Only for a week. I will bring the camera in at night when you are finished getting ready for bed for your privacy. I will show the results with someone I know who helps people with sleep issues." He told her.

Anna looked at the items in his hands, and nodded.

"Ok. If you think it will help." She agreed. He went and set the camera out. "Now, I need you to sit down so I can place these on your head." Hannibal told her. She went and obeyed him. Looking up into his eyes with her big innocent, and broken eyes.

He actually froze for a moment, getting lost in them. That was new for him.

Hannibal cleared his throat and placed them on her head. "Ok. Here, this is melatonin. It should help you sleep. Take it, and close your eyes." He told her, handing her a pill packet. She took it and used the water beside her to take the tiny pill.

Hannibal nodded, and left the room for her to sleep.

He wanted to stay with her. Hold her till she falls asleep. Hold her to keep the nightmares away. But he knew that he couldn't. He couldn't cause that will scare her off.

He doesn't like pedophiles. But with Anna, he thought like one. Felt like one. He hated feeling like a pedophile. But he couldn't shake the feelings he had for Anna. He tried but he just couldn't. Now she is here. And he will become her savior.

Her hero. 

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now