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It had been three months that Anna was under Dr. Hannibal Lector's care. She didn't remember much of what happened after drinking that mushroom tea. She remembered more of that night though.

It drove her crazy to not fully know what happened. 

She was sitting beside Rachel as the two waited for Dr. Lector to finish with his client that was scheduled before her. She had her phone on silent and in her small bag on her shoulder, and she was itching to take it out to read some stories she found on a website called Wattpad. 

She had followed Lector's advice and started reading more, she would lock herself into her book with the help of music. She started enjoying it more and more. Even finishing her fathers book.

The two females looked at the door that opened as Dr. Hannibal Lector and his patient, a African American woman with curly hair. She looked worn and tired. "Thank you Doctor." The woman said. "Of course Bella." He said with a small smile that matched this 'Bella'.

The woman gave a curt smile and nod to Anna and Rachel. 

"Anna. Come in." He said holding a hand out in a sign to tell the girl to come in. The girl stood and walked into the office. Going to the chair she would always sit in and sat, looking at the man who was now seated in front of her.

"How are you doing today Anna?" He asked. She shrugged. Something she always did when he asked her that. Or if anyone asked her that. "I'm fine I guess. I'm still breathing so I guess that's something." She told him.

He put the note pad in his lap, it was filled with notes on other sessions the two shared, both here and his or her home.

"Tell me what you did this week." He suggested. "I went to the park with Alex Monday to get our of the house. We went for a run around there. We started a gym class called Body Pump at the sports center in town. So I'm getting out and being active." She said. 

He wrote his notes down nodding. "That's great news Anna. What about Tuesday?" He asked. She let out a soft sigh. "Rachel took Alex, and I into town while she gave blood, she gave us money to go get something from the dollar general next door to where she gave blood. She needed Alex to drive back home." She said.

"What did you buy Anna?" He asked. "I bought a book and some new earbuds." She said. he nodded and set the notepad down and laid the pen on top of it. 

"There is something on your mind." He said knowingly. He could tell. He was good at reading people no matter how well their mask was. "I am just stressed about going for my drivers ed." She had gotten her permit and was getting ready to take her driving's test. 

"What else is on your mind?" He asked the girl who had been haunting his mind day and night. "There was this woman in town. A photographer, she is a friend of Alex's...She wanted to know if she could use me as a model. Everyone said it was a good idea, and the place she works for would pay me for it." She said.

"And you're nervous about it?" He asked, and she nodded to his question that had come out as a statement. He put his hand on his chin and rubbed his chin as he thought about it. "Why not try it out? There is no problem trying it right? Maybe talk to your sister's friend to do it one on one so you can see if you're comfortable with it. I know you are quite shy Anna, and insecure. but this could bring you out of that shell of yours." He said.

She looked at him with her wide, and haunting green eyes. They begged him to protect her, telling him she was broken. He wanted to be the glue that put her together. To protect her from the evils of this world. 

"This... modeling thing, it can be a way to make you feel like a normal girl once again. Make everyone see you as someone who is changing her life for the better." He said. He gave her a smile. "But it is up to you. If you decide to do it, have someone you have a lot of trust in to be there, like your sister Alex. It is your choice Anna. No one else's." He told her. She nodded.


After their hour was up Hannibal walked the teen to the door, he couldn't help but lean in and smell the floral scent that came from her hair. He liked the smell of her perfume... He'd have to find what it was.... NO! He didn't need to do that she isn't his lover and wont be.

She was a minor. She can't be his lover. Ever. She was to innocent and pure for him. But he couldn't help but wish and dream of her as his lover. 

She walked over to Rachel who stood when the door opened. "Just remember Anna, it's all your choice, take ahold of your life and take charge to make it better for you." He told her once more. She nodded and gave a small smile accompanied with a small little wave. 

She left with Rachel. She was going to the DMV for her test. 


Anna actually felt happy on the drive home. SHE was driving home. She had passed her test! She couldn't wait to get home and tell her dad and Alex. Rachel was so happy for the young girl. She was happy to see that smile on Anna's face. It was a rare thing to see on her, which was a shame Rachel thought. Anna had a pretty smile. 


The family went out to eat to celebrate Anna getting her drivers licenses. They did the same when Alex got hers as well. They was sitting in the restaurant that Anna chose. The Texas Stake House. 

She was waiting on her meal as she looked around. She was thankful not to see any dead people here like she did when she was out eating lunch with Rachel that time ago. Alex and her had stopped for a bit on finding things out about Rachel. But Alex was still wanting to do it.

Anna thinks Alex was still trying to figure things out about that night. But for Anna... She was told by Dr. Lector that what she told him about the night of her mothers death while under the tea's spell, he believed that she shouldn't look into her past anymore. It was an accident and that her mind was protecting her. That maybe her mother's spirit didn't want her to know about how she died.

Anna and her mother were religious people. Christians to be honest. But not a bible thumping Christian. 

She turned to her father who was talking to her. "Maybe you and I can go driving into the main land for a bit. I have a book signing and maybe we can go get milkshakes after. Alex you can come to." He said. He was trying to get Alex to be his daughter again. 

Alex shrugged. "Maybe dad." Alex said. "It sounds like a good idea dad." Anna said with a small smile, taking a sip of her soda. He gave her a tired smile. He was currently thinking up a new book, his publicist wanted him to start a new book, but he didn't know what to write about. 

Anna felt Alex nudge her a bit when Rachel and Stephan started talking. Anna looked and saw Alex was showing Anna her phone, it was a text from Camilla, Alex's friend the photographer. 

'Is ur sister interested???? I am open Thursday at 11.' 

Alex looked at her sister with a raised eye brow. Anna took her sister's phone and with a sigh she replied.

'Im in- Anna'

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now