Chapter 31

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(Irene POV)

Master Zeref and I flew as fast as we could to get to the Ishgar continent, but I didn't have my hope up for us getting there on time. It was at least a two-day journey to get to travel across the ocean at our fastest, and even then, there would need to be breaks in between each burst of speed. I, of course, didn't voice this to Master Zeref because there was, he was already worried enough as it was. But if we manage to get there in time for Zeref's sake. He was the first dragon to take me in after I was betrayed by my mate and was forced to abandon my child. 

I was young and at the time being mated to a human, even as a political marriage, was not nearly as acceptable as it was back then, and some dragon packs still won't accept a child born out of such a union, opting to just kill or banish the child instead. Which is why I had to abandon my child and seal away her draconic heritage when she had finally hatched after many years in an egg, to ensure that no dragon would find her and decide it to kill her. This was before I had met and joined Zeref and his pack, and by that time I had, I couldn't find my daughter. 

With Zeref's help, I had learned that she was enslaved to a tower dedicated to reviving that traitorous impostor. The only thing stopping me from flying over there and helping her was that by the time I had learned of her imprisonment she had already freed herself and led a revolution. I was filled with pride; my little girl had already overthrown her impressers without my help, and had joined her own pack, this Fairy Tail Guild. I was so proud of her, of my little Erza. 

Don't worry Erza, the first thing that I will do when we meet is tell you how I am and tell you all about your heritage, and unseal your draconic magic and teach you all about how to use it. I will be sure to test any potential mate of yours, like a mother should, I can't have risk you suffering the same betrayal that I had suffered. 

(Jellal POV)

For some unexplainable reason, I felt a shiver go down my spine while I was talking to Shu, Sorano and Milliana, who was there to visit Erza and the Exceeds. 

"Are you okay?" Shu asked me noticing my sudden since of dread. 

"Sorry, I just got cold for some reason," I told the card dealer, who was visiting for one of his lessons in card magic with Cana. 

"Maybe he is sensing some guy planning on asking Erza out on a date," Sorano snarked teasingly, I felt my face turn red, and hid my face in my arms hoping Erza, who was only a few tables over in the noisy guild. 

"I hate you, Midnight is my only friend," I told her, gesturing to the sleeping man on the opposite side of the table causing the rest of the group to laugh at my expense. My crush on Erza was a frequently used way to make jabs at me from the rest of our group who had survived the rebellion of the Tower of Heaven.

"All jokes aside, really, you have had a crush, no I would say that you have been in love which Erza since the fall of the Tower of Heaven," Sorano told me, and I lifted my head to face her, "If you don't tell her how you feel eventually, someone is going to come along and take her way."

"I know, but I know she can't possibly see me that way," I told them, this caused Sorano, Milliana, and Shu, to all look at me in disbelief. 

"You can't be serious, Erzywersy is...mmhmhm," Milliana tried to shout before being stopped by Sorano, the cat girl turned to glare at the celestial mage.

"Don't bother, he is so far in denial about Erza's feelings for him, it will take Erza herself telling him, and even then, it is questionable," Sorano told her.

"Yeah, and that won't happen until Jellal gets the courage to tell her his feelings, because she is in the same state of denial," Shu continued acting like I wasn't there, I had no idea what they were talking about. 

"To sum it up, Jellal's and Erza's relationship isn't happening because the two of them are in a cycle of denial and neither of them are recognizing that the other has feelings for them despite their actions saying otherwise." Midnight added in scaring all of us, we all stared at him, "What I woke up with all of your debating on Jellal's and Erza's love life, or lack thereof-" this coming from the man that can sleep soundly through an entire Fairy Tail party," - If you want help ask Mira not me, I am leaving to sleep at home." Then tired man got up and left the guild hall, to presumably go home and sleep.

"You know what I am going to talk to Mirajane, are you with me Milliana?" Sorano asked the cat girl and a shiver went down my spine for an entirely different reason than a drop in the temperature. 

"NO WAIT!" I shouted but the girls had already alerted that shipping she-demon to my plight through some form of telepathy because she was already in front of the girls with that smile that told me all I needed to know.  

I ran, before she could catch me and make me take part in one of her schemes to get Erza and I together. 

Time skip by two days and one failed matchmaking scheme later 

Outside of Magnolia

(Orba POV)

I tried to slow down Nullpudding as much as I could but I hadn't received word from Zeref that he had informed the Fire Dragon King of Ivan's plan, and I couldn't directly stop it without risking my place in the Raven Tail guild. 

"I saw we knock the dragon runt out and use her blood as a way to get the dragons to come," my musings were interrupted by Nullpudding fear-inducing plan, seriously that has to be the worst plan ever to kidnap a baby dragon, you would have the whole clan upon you in seconds if you caused used baby dragon blood to lure a pack. 

"How about I just take her magic and knock her out?" I told him, surprising him which my voice, "It is cleaner and it will prevent any complications."

"Fine, we will do it your way, the boring way," he grumbled. I'm sorry? Boring way, I am trying to not die, I am Vulcan-Illusion dragon hybrid of a different dragon clan, I don't care how open minded the Fire Dragon King is. He will kill me if he finds out I cause the daughter of one of his close friends to bleed. 

"Thank you for seeing reason, you bloodthirsty ugly ass motherf*cker," - is what I wanted to say instead I said, "I am glad you can value the mission more than your bloodlust." in the politest voice I could muster. 

Master Zeref, once this is over, I think you are going to have to find a replacement for your Raven Tail spy, I can't take dealing with these crazies anymore, I only stuck around this long because Flare was there.

The snakeman had threatened to eat me once, and the others keep giving my puppet strange looks. Worse of all, now that Flare has left there are no women!!! 


I hope you liked how I changed Orba, I couldn't find out what he was, so I decided to take some artistic liberties and made him a Vulcan-Illusion dragon hybrid, because he is a monkey that uses a puppet in the Grand Magic Games, and he is last seen on Zeref shoulder at the end of the arc. After taking that into account, I took what I knew and created this, what do you think of my creation? 

It has been I while since I have written something so I have only these shorter chapters written. I might be a bit rusty, but what do you think so far?

I don't own Fairy Tail 

- DestinyFerrum

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