Chapter 33

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(Erza POV)

It has been a few hours since Wendy and Romeo had left the guild and Romeo hasn't returned yet. 

"Come on Macao, he is just taking some time to say good bye to his little girlfriend," I heard Wakaba tell Macao trying to reassure his friend.

"But he should have been back thirty minutes ago, I can't help but worry," Macao had replied, honestly, I am worried too, I keep feeling like something is wrong. Like something is clawing at my insides telling me that something is wrong, danger pack in danger, the worry must have been contagious because Natsu and the rest of his pack had similar expressions of worry. 


The sound had ripped through the air and even shook the wall of the guild, we turned to the dragons and they started heading for the door, I had stopped one of them, Rouge. 

"What's going on?" I asked the teen. 

"That was a dragon, and not one of our pack's," He told me, and stopped and looked at me again, "And it came from where Wendy and Romeo were supposed to be."

That got the guild into high gear as the Master and the rest of the guild ran following after the dragon. 

'Intruder, attack, protect pack' that voice in my head roared at me and I re-equipped my flight armor and used its added speed to catch up with the dragons. The voice was increasing as I got closer to the battle, I was barely able to stop myself from attacking the mound of red and pink where the roar had originated from. 

(Makarov POV)

Something was going on with Erza, when we had arrived there, I saw a glimpse of an animalistic snarl on the usually reserved girl's face, but whatever was happening to Erza was overshadowed by the cluster of feathers before us. 

At first, I thought that the pink feathers belonged to Wendy but the body that they were coming from was too large to have been the young dragon. The two dragons in human form had continued to battle until the red one had lost after being pinned down by one with pink feathers. Or more likely gave up as soon as all of the dragons had appeared the red dragon had given up the fight. I looked over at the pink dragon and saw a familiar face. 

"PORLYUSICA! YOU'RE A DRAGON!!" I shouted in shock, and she looked at us, it was easier to see her dragon features after the battle had pulled her usual ponytail allowing the pink feathers to appear and her red cloak was torn up revealing a pair of pink feathery wings which overshadowed her opponent. She looked at us and a snarl had appeared on her face. 

"GODDAMMIT!" she snarled, and she glared at Lucy and the others, "For years, I was able to hide what I was and the moment you show up it all goes to waste." She ranted as the guild continued to stare at the woman in shock. 

"Never mind what happened?" Natsu asked old sky dragon, because there was only one pink dragon that I saw that could match to Porlyusica, before she could start her rant again. 

"This loner was rampaging around your den, and more she was sniffing around my niece's nest, so I took it upon myself to take care of her, before she had caused any damage," Porlyusica had told him before putting more pressure on the female dragon below her. Wait, does that mean that Wendy is her niece? Natsu turned to the dragon below her. 

"State your business, wandering around our territory is one thing, but you were in our den, state your business," Natsu commanded looking for the first time like the son of the leader of a dragon clan. He motioned for Porlyusica to get off of her and the dragon had stood up with her head down and wing to her sides. Her red hair was a familiar shade as it shined in the setting sun, she took deep breaths as she tried to regain the breath that she lost while being held down by an angry Porlyusica, as we waited for her answer. 

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