Chapter 38

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(Yukino POV) 

I looked at the armored man that stood before us and I knew this must have been the Leader of the Zodiac, Leo the Lion. 

"Hey Princess, I hope you don't mind us dropping in." he announced with a smile on his face, a claymore resting against his shoulder, its golden blade gleaming in the light of the meter shower that was created during his arrival. 

"I'm not going to complain," Lucy told them, then as the swirls on her skin started to shine with the starlight, she lifted a tube that held the Fleuve d'étoiles into the sky, Erza mirroring her with her sword, they pointed to battlefield signaling our turn to start the battle. 

Time Skip

It was here to tell how long had passed since the battle started, it could have just been thirty minutes but it felt like hours had passed. The addition of the celestial spirits really helped to balance out the enemy numbers, as the dragons had turned into their human forms to make themselves a smaller target for that scale piecing weapon that has yet to make an appearance. This meant that while the dragons were strong, they were easier to overwhelm as they couldn't just send the enemy flying with their human forms like they could with their large dragon bodies. The large ship that came with the celestial spirits was floating on the Eridanus, the river constellation that flowed through gate which to spirits had come from. While the celestial spirits did help even out the forces, Ivan Dreyar's army seemed to be infinite, which kind of made sense as Fairy Tail had no shortage of enemies amongst the dark guild community. 

For example, I was currently fighting a member of the Blue Skeleton guild, who if I remember was a guild that descended from the members of the Blue Skull Guild, which was a dark guild that was stationed in Magnolia before the creation of Fairy Tail. It had been forced to disband by the first Master and the other founding members of Fairy Tail, and its creation was similar to how Geoffrey, another member of Blue Skull, had created Phantom Lord. Needless to say, there was a lot of bad blood between the dark guild and Fairy Tail. The mage I was fighting had used some sort of size changing magic, because the sword he was using keep changing shape making it hard to dodge because if he would thrush with a thin blade but would change the width of the blade midway through and if you didn't move far enough away you would still be cut even if you had dodged before. I was so focused on trying not to let the mage hit me that when I heard someone attacking me from behind, I didn't have time to dodge them. The swordsman had just attacked, he made a mistake by thrusting forward too much when he made his attack that when I had dodged, I was able to knock him out cold with a kick to the face. I turned to face my other attacker to try and minimize the damage when I heard them scream in pain. I looked over to see a long sword, a shamshir if I am correct, protruding from his arm. In his arm was a dagger that was probably infused with poison magic or something similar. 

"That wasssn't very nice, you can't approach a woman when their back turned, there isss no telling what they will do to you," I heard a female voice, I looked over to the source and saw a woman with purple hair and a dark purple snake body. Her eyes were glowing a red glow that had dyed her own eyes the same color. She turned to look at me and then her eyes had started to dim revealing purple pupil-less eyes, then she smiled revealing long canines. I was then able to see the black patterning that was on her hair and on her tail, and this gave me an idea who she was. 

"Ophiuchus?" I asked and her smile only grew. 

"Correct, Yukino, now I feel the need to tell you to back away from that man, Rasalhague was from the mossst powerful ssstar in my constellation so it has very powerful venom in it and I don't want you to be hurt by it." At the word 'venom' I quickly headed over to the snake woman and watched as the man started to convulse in pain as the aforementioned venom started to burn his blood vessels and cause blood to turn the inside of his skin purple and then blood started to come from his eyes and mouth before he stopped moving and died. I had spent some time learning some medical procedures so that I could administer first aid and that was the best way to describe what had happened before me. I now understood what she meant by powerful venom, I had seen some pretty dangerous snake bites and even some dangerous spider bites in my time at Fairy Tail and I had never seen such a reaction from something that was produced by a living animal, I almost wish that I could have looked away from the purple mass of hemorrhaging that was created by the blade. Ophiuchus slithered over to the shamshir, Rasalhague, and pulled it from the corpse and with a strong slash in the air all of the blood on the blade had slid off. 

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