Chapter 12

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(Lucy POV)

When Natsu and I had awoken, we saw Gajeel sulking in the exit of the cave, his wing blades twisted and bent from the rough housing with yesterday.

"Don't worry, when we get to the new den, we'll fix those wings, but for now we have an appointment to meet," I told him and the iron dragon gave me a half-hearted glare.

"You promise," he asked me, I stifled a laugh at his tone, it sounded so childish.

"Yes, I promise," I told him and I went back inside to prepare for the new den.

At Fairy Tail

(Levy POV)

"I heard that there are going to be dragons appearing today," I heard someone whisper.

"Yes, apparently Fairy Tail helped some dragons out and they wanted to thank them," someone else said.

"I heard that the pack had some sort of royal dragon in it," I heard, it wasn't that far off from what Kinana told us, I thought.

"I heard that this pack has humans in it," and the gossip continued from there, I kept walking until the Guild appeared in sight.

"Finally, that's over with," I muttered as I entered the building only to be greeted by chaos, well more chaos than normal. People screaming and fighting, the master nowhere to be seen, and the Exceeds and Kinana did a disappearing act at some point.

"What is going on?" I asked Erza when I found her, beating up Elfman for destroying her cake, again.

"The mayor is in the Master's Office talking about things with the dragons, and Mirajane is having trouble with the orders because Kinana isn't here" Erza told me. I did a quick glance around the guild and saw that there were more people at the bar than normal and Mira was having trouble taking care of all of the orders.

"When are the dragons coming?" I heard Gray asked the Master, who had just come out of his office, with the mayor.

"I don't know, but-" There was a large crash interrupting the Master. We looked outside to see a Blizzardvern in the entrance of the guild hall, trying to open the door with its wings. The mages of the guild were getting ready to attack the wyvern, when I saw that it had something in its claws.

"Wait," I cried and ran over to the snow wyvern. It let out a breath of relief and handed me what it had in its claws.

"Thank you," the blizzardvern told me then it flew off.

"What did it give you?" The mayor asked me, after recovering from the shock that a talking blizzardvern. I held out my hand showing him a scroll.

"What does it say, Levy?" The Master asked me, I unraveled the scroll and looked at the writing, I cleared my throat and read the scroll.

"Hello Fairy Tail Guild, this is Igneel of the Fire King Dragon Clan, I sent one of my servants, Blizzard, to give you this message. I wanted to thank you for saving me and my pack mates' children from their prison. It has been three long years since we last saw our children, and I am overjoyed to have them return to us. We don't know how to thank you, and I am so grateful that you saved my son and his pack. From Igneel Dragneel, Leader of the Fire King Clan." I finished reading the scroll.

"I guess it was a thank you letter," Master told us, "Too bad it didn't tell us when they're coming to Magnolia."

"Well, Blizzardverns are common in Mt. Hakobe so it is likely that they are at the mountains, so they will be here soon," I told him.

"I guess we will have to wait," Master said and the normal chaos of Fairy Tail had resumed.

Time Skip

(Erza POV)

I was outside waiting for the dragons to come, when I saw small specks appear in the horizon, the specks grew to become dragons and then I went inside of the guild to tell the Master that they had arrived.

"The dragons are here," I shouted and the rest of the guild went outside, by this time the dragons were in full view of the guild. When the dragons got closer to the ground, I was worried that the streets around the guild wouldn't be big enough. I looked at Kinana and the Exceeds, who had reappeared after the blizzardvern came, and they didn't look worried at all. I looked back at the dragons. 

I saw Lucy get up and stand on top of Natsu, she walked off of him and jumped off. I got ready to reequip myself into something that allowed me to fly so I could catch her, when Natsu suddenly erupted in flames. The flames disappeared as quickly as they appeared and in the fire dragon's place was a young man with pink hair, horns, dragon wings, and scales. He caught Lucy and flew to land on the ground. We saw Sting and Rouge get surrounded by shadows and a mist like light, and in their place were two boys, not much older than Yukino and Kagura, one had wild shoulder length platinum blonde hair and small antlers coming out of his head, and a long white tail and white feather wings. The other boy had slick shoulder length black hair, he had black leather wings and a long tail. When Wendy came into view she turned into a mini tornado, and when the winds disbursed a little girl with long blue hair and blue wings appeared. I looked for Gajeel but I saw that he wasn't there, then I spotted Cobra, who had covered himself in a purple fog, and then a maroon haired man with pointed ears and maroon wings. I waited for Laxus to do something but he stopped in the sky and hovered there, while the others flew down to the ground, where we got a better look at them. The boys had patches of scales on their faces, when I got a look at Rouge, or who I think was Rouge, I saw small black horns on his head. Wendy had small blue feathers in her hair, and little blue feathers around her hands. After they landed, they all walked over to Lucy who pulled out her bag, pieces of clothing and some jewelry, then she pulled out a scarf and wrapped it around Natsu's neck.

"You can take a human form?" the Master asked them, in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Yes, I am Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel Dragneel," the pink haired man told the Master and held out his hand to shake it, after the Master shook Natsu's hand and looked up at the sky, at Laxus.

"Come on down here, Laxus," Lucy told him, and the dragon turned to lightning and shot down landing on the ground. A large man with blond hair and a lightning scar over his eye, he had two metallic horns coming from his head. Unlike the other dragons, his wings didn't appear in his human form, or at least this time they didn't, but I guess if he can turn into lightning like he did, he probably doesn't need wings in his human form. Electricity shot out around him causing bystanders' hair to frizz up with static. Lucy handed him a pair of headphones, and a large coat and the static died down, being absorbed into the coat. The man looked down towards the Master and gave him a wide fanged smile.

"Hey, Gramps, I am Laxus Dreyar, an artificial lightning dragon," he told us, the smile on his face widening, "I'm home."


How was the chapter? Give me a review, I liked how I put Laxus in there, what do you think?

I don't own Fairy Tail


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