Chapter 26

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(Lucy POV) 

As the stars started to appear in the sky, I felt my energy return to me in full. I got off my butt and went to the water and placed Aquarius's key into the water. 

"Open Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius," I chanted and I heard the tell-tale chimes of bells and looked up at Aquarius. Her armor was the same as it was before, and she still had the trident, too. 

"Can you tell me if you have had any changes in your powers?" I asked her. She looked at me for a moment and thought for a moment. 

"Well, I noticed that my waves are bigger than before, and I have a better control over water than before," she told me, as she demonstrated what she could do by making shapes with the water

"And what about Scorpio?" I asked, I didn't want to summon him right after Aquarius, I needed to preserve my magical energy. 

"Well, he can spit out both sand and poison, and I think his tail is more movable now," she told me.

"Okay, what about the others," I continued, she only shook her head.

"I don't know much about their powers," she told me, I was a bit disappointed at that but I guess they had other things to focus about, like whatever they are doing with the new armor, I wrote down everything that she told me. 

"Thank you anyway, Aquarius," I told her as I sent her back to the celestial world, now onto Cancer. I turned to the other direction, and aimed at Cancer's key in front of me. 

"Open Gate of the Crab, Cancer," I chanted and Cancer appeared, he was very different, the red things that were in his hair before were gone, and his hair was not braided as it usually was. His long red and black hair was tied up in a long ponytail. He wasn't wearing the clothes that he normally wore and instead he was wearing armor and his crab arms were covered with armor as well. Instead of his scissors that he normally carried there were two swords that had two blades on each. 

"So, Cancer, what powers do you have now?" I asked him.

"I seem to be able to use water magic, and I can control crabs, baby" he told me, so that means that he is stronger near the beach, where there are a lot of crabs in waters, I added silently to myself.

"Is that all?" I asked, he turned and looked at the water that was behind me and grabbed his glasses and removed them and I saw that his eyes were a pale blue with very thin catlike pupils. He looked at the water, I turned to see what he was doing and saw that the water started to move and it then changed shape, into a crab, it had an exoskeleton and water seemed to move with it, and its eyes were the same color as Cancer's eyes. I turned to look back at him and I saw that he was gone. I turned back to the crab and saw that the crab was wearing a gold necklace that Cancer always wore. 

"So, you can change into a crab," I answered for him, the giant crab that was Cancer nodded to me in agreement. 

"Can the others do something like this?" I asked the crab, and he gave me the crab equivalent of the I-Don't-Know gesture. With his crab face I couldn't tell if he was lying or not, I knew Leo could do it, so I didn't know if they told me everything that they could do. I wasn't going to push them, if they didn't want to tell me then they didn't have to. I saw Cancer start to shimmer gold and then he went back to the Spirit world. 

'I guess I will have to continue onward to the next spirit,' I thought as I grabbed Capricorn's key.   

"Open Gate of the Sea Goat, Capricorn," I chanted and the spirit appeared before me. His face was more goat-like than before and he was more like a fish than a goat. He was wearing some armor like all the other spirits before him. It was golden and it had goat horns on its shoulders, I looked at the horns on his head and saw that they were larger than before. On his hip, there were a pair of daggers on each side and there were more on his back there were even more. 

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