Chapter 1

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(Erza POV)

"RWWWAAR!!!" I heard from inside the house. I re-equiped a sword into my hand and slowly opened the door. The others followed me from behind. We searched the bottom floor of the house for the source of the sound, but we came up empty, until we came to an iron door. The door was ajar but it looked like something had bitten into it. I pushed the door open and we walked down the stairs inside.

(Unknown POV)

"RWAARRR!!!!" my cellmate bellowed at the newcomers.

"Shhhhh," I whispered to him, rubbing his claw in comfort, "We don't know who it is."

I heard the door open, and footsteps sounded from above, then their voices.

(Levy POV)

"I really don't like it in here, this place gives me the creeps," I told Juvia, looking at the suspicious dark stains that were on the wall, that were becoming harder and harder to see as the hallway darkened.

"Juvia agrees, but Juvia will stay for her darling, Gray," Juvia declared with hearts in her eyes.

 When we reached the bottom of the stairs, there was almost no light in the room. I could barely make out the room, but from what I could see was that we stopped in front of a group of cells and a cage. There were three cells on the left, two on the right, a huge cell in the front, and a small cage in the center. The small cage looked like it was pulled open, and one of the cells looked like the bars were eaten. 

When we entered the room, I heard chains moving from the cells. I looked around for the source of the sound, and I was positive that something in one of those cells moved. Then I heard the chains moving again, but this time it was from the cell in the back of the room. We all looked at the cell, and I saw something golden inside the cell. When we got closer to the cell, I saw that there was a woman standing in the front of the cell. Her long hair had reached all the way to the floor, it was filthy and tangled. She wore chains on her arms and legs, her eyes were the color of rich chocolate, but they looked dull to me. The woman was looking at us, she looked at us with suspicion and then she turned and walked over to the back of the cell, the rattling of her chains following behind her. When she reached the middle of the cage, she reached out her hand and touched something in the darkness. My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of the room to see something moving in the back of the cell.

"Solid Script: Light," I chanted and the cell lit up and we saw what she had touched.

A Huge Red Dragon.

(Gray POV)

"What the hell!" I shouted when I saw the dragon. It started to move and reached for the girl in the cell. I got ready to cast a spell, when the woman moves in front of the dragon to block my attack. I stopped casting my spell, so that I wouldn't hit her, allowing the dragon to grab her with its claws pulling her closer to it. The woman's eyes had turned to a green glow, and the dragon started to purr as she started to pet it on its neck. The light filled the cell and the dragon had become easier to see, we saw that it was chained up like the girl and wore a muzzle around its mouth.

CRASH!!! We turned to see a pair of pink and red eyes. In a huge burst of wind, almost knocking us off our feet, I turned back to see a small blue and pink feather dragon with pink eyes standing defensively in front of the woman, snarling at us, trying to look as menacing as possible. GRROWRRRR!!!!  We turned to the louder growl and we saw a huge metal dragon with red eyes.

Reacting to the threat of the larger dragon, we readied ourselves to defend against the metallic dragon. "Ice-make Lance," I chanted and threw the lances at the metallic beast.

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