Chapter 6

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(Levy POV)

"You have been at this for a few hours, Miss Levy, you should take a break," Freed told me, I looked over at Jet and Droy, who agreed with him.

"But I am close, I am sure of it," I told him and then looked at my translations of the runes to see that something was wrong with them, "What I was so close."

"These runes are a lot more difficult than the ones on the bars, and you need to take a break," Freed told me again, I was going to protest when I was suddenly lifted into the air. I turned my head to see that Gajeel was holding me by the collar of my shirt.

"You need rest, you're going to burn the paper if you keep on staring at it," he told me, "Let's take a walk." I sighed in submission as he carried me off and out of the basement. After we got to the top of the stairs, he put me down and he told me to follow him.

"If you want something to do you can follow me, I need to find something in this place," he told me, obviously trying to get me to do something other than think about the enchantment. He sniffed the ground and started walking in one direction, and I followed him. We started a cycle of walking, stopping, then walking again, until we came to a small door. It was smaller than the basement doorway, not by much, but it was small enough to make it obvious that Gajeel wouldn't fit through it. No matter how small he made himself, he wasn't slim enough to get his shoulders through the door. 

"Open the door, in the very back there should be a large bag in there, the one with a golden strap holding it close, that's the one," he told me, I opened the door and entered the room. Along the walls were an assortment of weapons and books. I continued to the back of the room and then I saw the bag Gajeel was talking about. It was a large bag with a golden strap, it also had a small rune like markings under the strap, I guess it was to seal it shut. I grabbed the bag and started to walk back to the door when one of the books caught my eye. I grabbed it and looked at the cover, 'Advance Runes: Sealing,' it said I grabbed the book and continued to walk to Gajeel. When I reached the door, he asked me what the book was for.

"I have been looking at the enchantment the wrong way, it is a sealing enchantment with blocking runes overlaying it," I told him, but he gave me a confused look, I can't wait to tell Freed, this will help us in the enchantments.

(Laxus POV)

'I can't believe it, Gramps hasn't changed a bit,' I thought with amusement as I watched the old man trying to help the best he could. Even though the redhead, Erza I think, was trying to get the man to go back to the guild, and handle his work there, running away from the paperwork as always. I looked around at Natsu and Lucy, she was asleep against the firebrain. Wendy was in her lap while Sting and Rouge were at her sides, protecting her from any harm. Natsu was pretending to sleep, so he could watch the human mages, and make sure that none of them did anything funny. I tried to see if I could recognize any of the others but I couldn't. That Bastard of a Father took me away only a few days after that brown haired girl with the dog showed up. After he changed me into this, I was able to escape, I ran into Natsu and Lucy a few years later. I was trying to be careful not to get spotted by any dragons while I was still getting used to being one myself. 

I heard from Gramps in a long distant past that pack dragons don't take kindly to loners in their territory, when I met Lucy, I was attacked by some dragons. I had crashed in a field after a dragon pack had driven me out of their territory. I had stumbled upon them by accident but they weren't any less brutal in driving me out.


RWARRRR!!!! I heard the dragons cry, I felt a sharp pain near my Fairy Tail mark, as I started to plummet down. I saw a clearing in the distance and I forced my wings to move towards it. When my wings stopped moving, I began to speed towards the hard ground. I hit the ground and I blacked out.

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