Chapter 17

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(Lucy POV)

"Finally, finished," I cried out, we had just finished the den, with no help from Laxus.

"Where is Laxus?" I asked Natsu.

"Last I checked he said he was going to town hall, something about not getting arrested again for suspicious purchases," Natsu told me.

"Well, he better hurry up, he barely helped build the den, he might as well come be here to see the finish product of all of our hard work," I told the fire dragon.

"I am here," I heard the voice of a familiar slacker, I turned to see Laxus holding a vial of something.

"Well, what do you have there, Laxus," I asked him, drawing out the there.

"A peace offering, a vial of poison, naga snake poison," he told me, holding out the vial, I handed the vial to Cobra, who inspected the bottle to see if the poison was genuine.

"It's real," Cobra told me.

"You are off the hook this time, but if this happens again, it will take more than a small vial of poison to help you," I told the lightning dragon, glaring at him.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow, it is getting late," Wendy asked me.

"First we are going to get food, and then we are heading to the Fairy Tail guild," Natsu told her.

"Go hunting," I told them and they all ran off into the forest. I took out one of my golden keys.

"Open Gate of the Archer, Sagittarius," I chanted, the horse man appeared in front of me, he was not in a horse costume like he used to be. Now he was an actual centaur, he wore armor on his legs and his horse body, but he still was wearing that robin hood outfit from before, only his arrowheads were made of stellanium instead of their usual iron, and his bow was more detailed than it used to be with stellanium tips at the ends of the bow and the swirls of the metal in the wood.

"Howdy do, My Lady," he told me, saluting to the fourth wall, just like he did when I first summoned him and every time since.

"Hi Sagittarius, it has been a while," I told him.

"What is it that you want me to do, My Lady," he asked me, as formal as always.

"I need you to escort me to Porlyusica's home, this morning I promised that I would go, and Natsu is out hunting right now," I told him and motioned him to follow me as we walked to the pink sky dragon's home.

When we arrived there was shouting, we ran to see what was happening to see that it was just Porlyusica yelling at some of the Fairy Tail wizards. I recognized one of them as Yukino, and the other had similar features to her but she had longer hair, and she didn't look very healthy.

"I told you that I don't like humans so take your sister and get out," Porlyusica told the girls, armed with her deadly broom.

"But Sorano is sick and none of the other doctors in the area can treat her," Yukino told the cranky dragon.

"Well, I hate humans, so get out," Porlyusica shouted, I decided that this was the time to intervene, Porlyusica is really a nice dragon, but her opinion of humans is the complete opposite of Grandneeney. Wendy's mom loved humans, but her sister had, at one point, would have tried to ripe one to shreds if it wasn't for the laws that Igneel had in place to promote good human relationships, so she settled for living in away from humans and hoping that they wouldn't bother her. Now a days, I think she has warmed up to them in comparison to how she was before.

"Porlyusica, leave them alone, if you want, I can have Wendy look at the girl's sister," I told the old dragon.

"Hmmf, you're late," she told me, with a grunt of disapproval.

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