Chapter 25

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(Plue POV)

After Lucy sent us back to the celestial spirit world, I went to the rest of Canis Minor siblings. They wore armor similar to mine, it is called the... the Minor's Courage. It is a dumb name, that is better suited for Leo's pride than my pack of Canises. 

There was nothing I could do about that, I got up onto my paws and walked over to Lyra and her quartet. I am a fairly old Canis Minor, most of the Minors my age has already grown up into majors, but like most of the Canis Minors I loved listening to the stories of the older Canis Majors, the ones that are likely to spend time with the oldies like Crux. They are retired from battles, so they spend their time lying around in the library, they are the guard dogs of the celestial world, pun not intended. 

One of the old Majors was a St. Bernard, his name was Able. He told me about the tales of battle from the days of the dragon war. One of the stories was of Lyra and her quartet of warriors, Lyra and her sisters: Vega, Eta, and Mu. They are not as powerful as the Zodiacs but when you heard their music you knew that you should feel fear. Though Lyra and her sisters have long since laid their true instruments to rest, Able has told me many tales of the Quartet of Lyra Constellation. Lyra had locked her sisters' keys in the armory along with her lyre, but now that the armory is open, I have a feeling that there will be more stories of the sisters' hymns. I feel bad that we can't tell Lucy about these tales, but the King told us that we cannot until the armory is empty. 

(Horologium POV)

"I can't believe that those men made it so that I can't use my clock body like I use to," I fumed to Crux while sitting on my clock as it floated in the air.

"You better hope that Miss Lucy never finds out that that clock of yours was always bigger than you lead her to believe, she is known for her temper," the old cross told me.

"I know, she would probably mess with my gears if she ever finds out, but they changed my clock," I told him, grabbing onto the two blades at my side, Hora and Minutus, and got up and started to fight invisible opponents." My grandfather made me that clock," I continued grumpily. 

"You are young, it is time for you move on from the past and move to the future," Old Man Crux told me.

"I know but I'm sentimental," I told him as I stopped my phantom fighting, "Well I am going back into my clock, I have some spring cleaning to do," I told the old cross as I jumped back into the clock.

(Lucy POV)

I pulled out the first key, Aries, I hope she hasn't changed that much, this is the first time I have seen her since we were captured.

"Open Gate of the White Ram, Aries," I chanted and a poof of fluffy pink wool appeared. When the wool cleared, I saw Aries. Her hair had grown and it was longer than it was before, her horns were longer than they used to be. She had cloven hooves on her feet and she somehow seemed to be even fluffier than before her change. She wore woolly armor, it had celestial runes floating around in the metal, so I knew it was of celestial origin. On her back there was a huge shield, I walked around her and saw that there was a carving of a ram on the front, a defensive spirit through and through, the shield was made from the same material as her armor. I looked for the stellanium that all my spirits had after the experiments. She must have noticed my staring and then she pointed at her horns and hooves, and saw that they were tipped with the shiny metal.

"I didn't know that you had a shield," I told her trying to hide my embarrassment, I wasn't trying to be rude by staring at her.

"It was made by Orion, a long time ago," Aries told me, squirming around timidly. I knew of Orion, Hercules and him are famous for their never-ending competitions with each other, I guess that at one point Orion was a blacksmith for the other spirits. 

"So, are there any new powers that I need to know about?" I asked her, Scorpio had new powers so it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Well, from what I can tell I am faster than before, and I seem to be able to make sheep," she told me as she demonstrated by making her pink wool turn into a pink, fluffy sheep, with stellanium horns, I wrote it down.

"Thank you," I told her, I was about to send her back when she asked me something.

"Have you figured out what the gate means, Miss Lucy," Aries asked me. I stiffened, only Natsu, Wendy, Porlyusica, and my spirits know about the gate on my back.

"No, but I am going to try messing with it after I finish summoning all of you and recharging under the stars," I told her, she nodded her head and I sent her back to the celestial world.

"Lucy, are you sure that you are going to be, okay?" Wendy asked me, I turned and smiled at her, knowing that she wasn't talking about my magic energy levels.

"Yes, I am planning on calling your aunt before I start messing with the gate, just in case," I told her and she nodded her head and smiled at me, then went back to her previous spot. I pulled out Leo's key.

"Open gate of the Lion, Leo," I chanted and the lion appeared. He was wearing armor, but his armor was larger than the ones that I have seen before. His hair had grown a bit since I had last seen him, somehow, and it was looking more like a lion's mane than ever before. His tail trailed behind him, and I saw clawed gauntlets on his hands, it was the same for his feet as well. Attached to his side, was a long sword that seemed to radiate with light, and a small bag at his hip, it looked a lot like a sack and it didn't have a clasp but I knew it was the same type of bag as the ones that the silver key spirits had.

"Hello Leo," I told him, waving at him, he waved back to me with a smile.

"Princess, how have you been?" He asked me, widening his smile, showing me his fangs.

"So, are there any new abilities that you can show me?" I asked him getting straight to the point.

"Well other than the tail and ears, I have found that I can change into a lion, have claws, and I have a power that I have named King's Light," he told me.

"What does this power do?" I asked him.

"It's a secret," the lion spirit told me with a grin, I sighed at his antics.

"Okay, is there anything else that you would like to tell me?" I asked him hoping he would tell me about the sword, he didn't and then he left. I slumped to the ground in slight exhaustion.

"When did they start to use so much energy?" I asked as Wendy picked me up.

"Maybe the experiment changed the amount of energy you need to summon them?" Wendy told me.

"No, these is using more power than when I summon them before, I think it has to do with their new weapons and armor," I told her, "It is driving me crazy that they aren't telling me anything."

"They will tell you eventually," Wendy assured me, "But for now rest."

"I guess I have to thank those men, if I had to try and summon my spirits as they are now, before those men experimented on me, I would have fainted after summoning Aries." I told her bitterly, "I will rest until nightfall then I am summoning Aquarius." Wendy nodded her head and we waited for the stars to appear.


What do you know about this chapter? I hope to write the next chapter soon.

Tell me what you think of this chapter.

I don't own Fairy Tail


6/15/19- I finished my touch ups to the story and just to let up know that I am alive. Sorry it is taking me so long to update this story.
But don't worry I am still safe in my bunker waiting for that moment of inspiration to jump start my writing process on my phone.

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