Chapter 39

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(Erza POV)

I had already cut down another of the seemingly infinite number of enemies. I was searching for that scale piecing weapon, the dark mages have yet to use it in this battle so I was worried about the mysterious weapon. I was already deep into the enemy army; I looked around for my comrades and my next opponent. The sounds of battle started to become a roar in my ears and then I heard a voice in the roaring crowd. 

"Aim it there, at the yellow one, he is huge, we can't miss," It wasn't a voice that I could recognize so it had to be one of the dark mages. I decided to question the sudden increase in my sense of hearing later. I looked over to where the voice had come from and I saw a group of mages around a cannon-like device. I looked at where the device was aimed at and it was Laxus. If this was the weapon that we were warned about then that will easily pierce through Laxus, possible killing him, killing the Master grandson, killing one of my pack. I couldn't let that happen, I reequipped into my flight armor and ran to destroy the device. I knocked it to ground, the man who had spoken had tried to attack me with a punch to the face. While it did connect it didn't hurt at all, in fact, for some reason the man who had attacked me almost looked afraid of me. 

I heard a hum, I looked down and saw that while I didn't stop them from activating the device, it was getting ready to fire. I followed its possible trajectory and saw that it was going to hit Jellal, I lifted a clawed hand to destroy the device but I was too late and it had fired. I quickly moved to protect Jellal, to protect him, I was running, and running, but I wasn't going to be fast enough even with my flight armor. I was just feet away when I saw the beam of magic hit Jellal. 



"NO!" I roared in fury, something breaking while I charged forward.

I used my tail to crash through the remaining army to make it to Jellal, he was on the ground bleeding, he wasn't moving. The army before me looked so small, so weak, they shot me with something. I couldn't let it hit, knowledge had flowed into my mind and I knew what to do. 

"Deus Scutum" the enchantment had increased the strength of my scales, the beams of magic had left mere burns on my scales. 

'Destroy them, they are a threat, threats have to be destroyed,' that voice in my head had told me, I agreed, they hurt him, my mate, I can't let them get away with that, once again I was provided with perfect spell. 

"Sapiens Exitium" the spell caused explosions to appear throughout the battle field. I looked for more threats, I stood over Jellal and raised my red feathered wings to shadow over my enemies. 

(Jellal POV)

My sides were burning when I woke up. I opened my eyes to look around only to be covered in my almost complete darkness. I looked up to see...scales? 'Didn't the dragons say that they were going to fight in human form?' I thought as I started to get up. 

"Jellal, can you hear me?" I heard in my head, which was ringing, possible from the blood loss, as there was a good size puddle of blood forming underneath me. 

"Yes, who is this?" I asked, the voice was familiar but the blaring in my head kept me from recognizing it. 

"It's Levy, I don't know what happened but Erza is out of control." She told me, suddlenly I was on alert. 

"Erza? What happened to Erza?" I asked, there was a moment of silence and suddenly I was extremely worried. 

"Jellal...What have you been doing for the past ten minutes?" Levy asked me.  

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