26- I Hope This Doesn't Turn Into A Habit.

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Chapter 26- I Hope This Doesn't Turn Into A Habit.

 "Ron? What's wrong?"

I didn't answer Grayson. I couldn't. Questions bombarded my mind. Who? Why? How'd they get my number?  What was I doing?

"Ronnie?" Grayson asked, more concern evident in his voice.

 "N-nothing." I stuttered, a lame attempt in trying to play my reaction down.

 Unfortunately, Grayson knew me way to well.

 "What is it?" he asked, urgently now.

 "Nothing." I repeated, more to myself than him.

Hands engulfed me, and I noticed how cold I was before.

Shivering, I felt something prying the phone away from my bone-crushing grip.

 "What's this guy not happy about?" Grayson asked.

  I put my head between my hands and groaned, frustrated.

"I don't know!" Grayson stroked my back soothingly and I immedately relaxed.

Who hates me right now.. Jay Dokkins, Zane,

 "ZANE!" I shouted, standing up.

But then just as quickly I sank back down.

"No. I have his umber saved into my contacts."

Disappointed, I broke out of Grayson's embrace again and started to pace.

 "Grayson, can you check if Jay's number matches this one?" He lept up and found his phone quickly.

He glanced from mine to his and shook his head. "They don't match."

 I frowned, trying to think of someone else.

Grayson joined me on my pace. "It was probably a wrong number."

I stopped, considering it. "Maybe." I replied, now more relaxed.

 Grayson left me for the bed, tucking himself in with a content smile. He closed his eyes and snuggled into his pillow.

He squinted an eye open and gave me his naughty smile. He patted the spot beside him, waggling his eyebrows. Looking at how comfortable he looked, I couldn't resist.

 I didn't want to stop thinking about that text, but as I joined Grayson in bed, safe and sound in his arms, I couldn't help but tuck it away in a drawer.

 I need a distraction anyway. "Love you." we both said, and I leaned over to kiss him one more time before falling asleep.

 The next morning, I woke up to the loud blaring of Grayson's alarm. I groaned and my hand hovered over it, wanting to wack it to death.

As I was pulling my hand back to slam into it, I heard a muffled, "Don't."

I pouted and said to a blanket covered Grayson, "Then YOU shut it up." Grayson's head emerged from under the covers and squinted an eye open.

 "Okay okay, wack it to death." I grinned and was about to crush the alarm with my iron fist when I saw the time. 7:37!

 "GRAAAYSON! GET UPPPP!" I bellowed into where I assumed was his ear.

  Not waiting to see if he got up or not, I rushed ino the bathroom. After I took a shower and pulled my wig on, I hurried to try to wake Grayson up again.

"Up up UP!" I scolded, pulling and pushing him.

 "Why? It's freaking Saturday!" he yelled back, annoyed.

Really? The week flew by fast! I laughed and peeled my wig off. I took my uniform off and not even bothering to put my PJs back on, I climbed into bed.

I hoped Grayson would just sleep and not notice my pretty much naked body beside him. I prayed and prayed and prayed, and relaxed when I thought God answered it. That is until  I felt something touch my thigh.

 I jumped 3 feet with a yelp. "Grayson!" I yelled, laughing.

 "What? I'm a guy, not an angel. And your hello kitty underwear just made me go over the edge." he said defensively.

 I rolled my eyes and turned away from him, trying to fall back asleep. I heard a low growl and felt two hands pulling me backwards. I struggled, flailing my arms and legs but it was no use. This dude was a tank.

 He rolled me over and I found myself face to face with his mouth which was smiling his dangerous smile. Uh oh.

His arms wrapped around me like an iron snake, and my feeble attempts to get out of it wasn't working.

 "Grayson, you-" he cut me off with his lips, sucking my bottom lip as his hands explored my back.

I relaxed, wrapping my arms around his waist. Grayson pulled me closer, causing me to moan. I opened my mouth slightly, giving him enough room to slip his tongue in.

When his innocent touches became naughtier, hand tucking into my panties, mouth heading towards my collarbone, I broke away gasping.

 "Naughty boy." I panted, trying to catch my breath. Grayson laughed, ruffling my hair.

 Just then, loud beeping echoed through the room.

I stiffened, sweat already on my forehead. Grayson, just as stiff, soothed me, rubbing my back assuringly.

 "Bring your phone over here and then read it." I nodded and with a deep breath I got out of bed.

 I tried to make myself smaller, suddenly self concious of Grayson watching me cross the room.

 I heard an exagerrated sigh. "For god's sake, just get the phone. Don't mind me or my eyes." I shot Grayson a glare but walked my normal pace to get my phone anyway.

 From a quick glance, I knew it was the same number. I made myself smaller again, but this time wishing I wanted to disappear.

Not from Grayson, but from this creep.

 "Ronnie, you have nothing to be ashamed of! Your beautiful, and even if your 200 pounds I would still love you. So stop shrinking back like that!" Grayson said, taking my stance the wrong way.

 I smiled, despite the situation and hurried over to give Grayson a peck. "It's not that, you dummy. But thanks." I said, still smiling.

 "Oh. My bad." said Grayson, embarassed.

 I handed Grayson the phone and told him, "You open it."

 Grayson took the phone without hesitation and flipped the phone open. I heard a sharp intake of breath and could only assume the worst.

 "What the fuck?" Grayson growled.

 uh oh. Grayson only dropped the f bomb if he was pissed. Extremely pissed.

 "What is it?" I whispered.

 Grayson thrust the phone towards me in answer. I took it gingerly and pressed the "ok" button to light up the screen again.

It was a picture. A picture of me with only my underwear on and in the process of taking my shirt off. It was recent too. I was wearing my hello kitty underwear.

That means it was taken no more than 5 minutes ago. I scrolled down further and saw text. I let a small whimper when I read what it said.

"Guess who?"

 I turned to Grayson, wanting desperately for his concerned and angry expression to turn into a humorous and laughing one, telling me it was him joking all along.

But no, he just got up from bed, and closed the blinds on our window. He stopped next to my side of the bed where I was rocking back and forth, frightened tears rolling down my cheeks.

He swept me up into his arms, effortlessly carrying me bridal style. He kissed my forehead and sank to the floor.

 "Ronnie?" he murmured into m hair.

"Yeah?" I asked shakily.

                           "I don't think it was a wrong number."

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