18-Witches Are Heartless.

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Chapter 18- Witches Are Heartless.

 The next morning was a Friday. I smiled the moment I opened my eyes. Everyone's supposed to play Beach Volleyball today! I lept out of bed and put my hair in a messy bun again. I pulled on jean shorts and a bikini top.

I woke everyone up and when everyone was ready, we joined the game that was already forming outside. I joined the team farther away from the water. The other side was right at the first wave. My team sucked! We were losing by fifteen points.

Tara and Grayson were on the sidelines. I gotta show him! I focused all my attention on the server, which just happened to be Adrian. I'm his worst nightmare. He served it, but it didn't come to me. The next one came right at me, and I bopped it effortlessly over the net. Everyone on my team gave me cheers when it hit someone's head. Our point.

It was my turn to serve. I somehow spiked it onto the ground. It was on the other side too! Score! "Hey, we want that hot chick on OUR team!" said some guy.

 I looked between the net. The speaker was pretty hot. I winked at him and looked at my team. They all pushed me under and they got Adrian. I laughed out loud at the look on his face. He was just replaced by a girl!

Our team soared above and beyond the -teens. Somewhere in the middle, Zane went to use the potty. We were at point thirty five when I heard Tara shout, "That Ronnie girl is cheating!"

I looked at her, confused. "How?" I shouted back.

I heard my team echo me. "She's distracting the other guys with her bikini top! Cover up! No one wants to see that flat of a chest!" she vollied back.

I starting laughing uncontrollably. A guy named Virgil, who was the one who suggested that I join their team yelled at Tara. "Are you kidding? She has so much more chest than you!" I heard Grayon laugh.

So he was watching? I smirked. I ran to Virgil and gave him a big hug. "I love you!" I shouted.

He laughed and hugged me back. I even gave him a kiss on the cheek for an exaggeration. I glanced a quick look at Grayson and saw him just looking away, jaw clenched.

I smiled and shouted, "Let's get back to the game!"

I served the ball just as I heard a small, "I'm not done yet." Tara? Again?

Then I felt a push. I fell backwards on my butt. I froze. It was high tide, and the tides were taking me farther and farther into the ocean.

 I couldn't breathe. I started to wheeze, and closed my eyes. This is how I'm going to die. Adrian can't swim, Zane's at the bathroom, and Grayson, the only other person who knows of my phobia hates me. I gagged on saltwater and was taken under. I struggled to rise but failed. I curled up into a ball and simply let my breath run out.

 When I couldn't breathe anymore, I just closed my eyes and layed down on rocky sand. I was floating in the water now, not even being able to touch the ground. I felt myself losing conciousness as someone grabbed my waist. It hurt.

Fine, let the sharks and jellyfish eat me. I don't care. I felt myself being taken up. They like their meat warm, eh? I thought, in hysteria. I think I blacked out then.

When I woke up, the first thing I thought was Am I In Heaven? But then, I didn't imagine that I'd wake up next to a human in heaven. Wait. I'm in bed with a human?! I jumped off the bed but then immediately fell back onto it with a groan. That was a bad idea. The guy next to me turned over. Now he was facing me.


I shook him awake with my elbow. I was dizzy, but not dizzy enough not to be in hysterics right now. What was I doing in bed with Grayson Hutser. His eyes blinked open and he looked at me groggily.

"What?" He snapped. I jumped, shocked at all the venom in his voice.

"Just because I saved your life, doesn't mean I forgive you for cheating on me. I loved you, you know that? You treated it like a joke."

I crinkled my eyebrows. That wasn't true! "Grayson-" I started but he already put the blanket over him and took deep and even breaths signaling that he was asleep. I took a sigh. "Grayson,"I started again. "I never cheated on you, I tried to seduce Zane so I could distract him. I had to shake his wrist off somehow, didn't I? It was just a distraction. I swear. I miss you so much.. And you just pushed me away, giving Tara a chance, who you said you'd never give a chance to again. How could you move on that quickly? You loved me? I loved you. You tore a hole through my heart over and over again you bastard!"

I poured my eyes out and knew he didn't even hear a thing I just said. I got up and fell right away, but just stumbled over to the door. I managed to open it and hung on the door handle. Just let me rest for one second.. I felt my eyes closing and I sank to the ground. So tired...

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