25- Talk About Creepy.

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Chapter 25- Talk About Creepy.

 No music class? I knew that! I was in school longer than he was! I thought of a good comeback to say, a coverup that would excuse my ignorance.

 I came up with nothing.

 I looked up with a glare as Zane patted my back. "There there. It's okay. I'll get it out of you one way or another."

With one last chuckle, he sauntered down the deserted hallway, leaving me shooting daggers at his back.

Grayson had a study session, so he wouldn't be back until late. I'll admit I was disappointed, but his grades are important too.

As I was trying to fall asleep, I thought about 5150 Ecstasy. Thinking about quitting the band next practice made me frown. I would miss it, and I only had one practice.

 "I'll give it a try. Winners don't quit." I told myself confidently.

Then, from the dark corner of my mind, Zane flooded my brain. What was I gonna do with that sucker?

 I pursed my lips, wishing I could give him the nightmare of his life. Me. He sounded like he would hurt me in the past.

Was a humiliating breakup worth that kind of hate towards me? He could have had a murder on his hands when he threw that knife at Grayson!

 Too tired to think about it anymore, I drifted off to an uneasy sleep that consisted of lots of tossing and turning.

 In the morning, I faked sick. "Grayson, get my homework for alll my classes today, will ya?" I asked in my weakest voice.

Grayson rolled his eyes. "I'm not your mom so I won't lecture you on trying to fake sick."

 I frowned. "Am I that obvious?"

Grayson snorted and grabbed his bag off the floor. I took that as a yes.

As he was walking out the door I stopped him. "Don't I get a good bye kiss?" I asked expectantly.

Grayson looked at me as if I was crazy. "I'm not kissing you and getting sick too! I love you babe, but I can't afford to get sick." he told me, winking at me playfully.

 Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. Faking sick had it's ups... but this was a very big down.

 I slept most of the day, and woke up only when Adrian brought me my food. I already texted Hal and Finn that I was sick so I couldn't make it to practice.

 In the late afternoon, I grew restless. I couldn't go running, since someone could catch me and ask me why I was sick for school but well enough to go to the track.

 Instead, I took out a scratch pad and wrote down a few music ideas for the next practice.

  According to Hal, we had a big gig coming up at the end of the school dance. Yeah, it's already the end of the school year.

Had I really been here for a whole school year? It bothered me, how fast the time flew by.

Since the dance was 2 hours, and Sargert Academy was attending again, Sargert's Evil Angels would take the first hour, and 5150 Ecstasy the second, having the privlege to do the grand finale.

To come up with at least 10 songs in 2 weeks is absolutely ridiculous. But I didn't want to tell the boys that, so here I am, the songwriter, doomed.

  I decided to write 3 slow songs and 6 fast ones. The last song would have to be an improv. I was too lazy to write another one. I know, I'm great.

 I tapped my pencil, trying to think of a word that rhymes with 'reflection' when the door slammed open. I jerked my head up, startled by the sudden noise.

Was it Zane? Almost too afraid to look, my eyes slid over to the door way.

When I saw Grayson, I sighed half in relief the other in disappointment.

 "You ruined my music epiphany." I told him with a grin, proud for using such a huge word.

Grayson shook his head affectionately and came to sit on my bed.

 I pushed him off and joked, "Don't want you to catch the flu."

Grayson laughed and sat on my bed anyway, ignoring my mock attempts to push him away. He gave me a peck on the lips, making me smile. The power that this boy has....

 "You know what I noticed?" I asked Grayson suddenly.

He looked at me and said, "What?" I gave him a wide eyed look.

 "We haven't watched TV for a whole school year!"

Grayson snorted and reached over to my side of the bed, ruffling my hair. "Speak for yourself."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and punched him in the shoulder.

Grayson winced, rubbing it gently. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

 "Did that hurt??" I asked, shocked that I made a buff highschooler wince. I knew it did, but Grayson had an ego to protect.

 "No way!" He protested.

 I gave him a come-on look. "Really! I winced because I was thinking about not watching TV for a whole school year. And you made my shoulder itch, so  I rubbed it." he insisted.

 I felt pity for him, so I relented on the outside, secretly knowing I won on the inside. I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Whatever." knowing I sounded like I was pissed.

 I smiled. I knew him too well. He leaned over to give me a light peck, asked if everything was okay. I took advantage of it and turned it into the language of french.

 I melted in his arms as he brought me closer so I was sitting on his lap. I didn't want it to end, and thought it wouldn't.

Until I heard a loud beeping. Text message from my phone. That also caused me to get scared out of my pants and scream.

There goes Grayson. I lost him when he started laughing at me, holding his stomach and tears threatening to overflow. I frowned at him and stuck my tongue out at him again, leaving the bed in search of my phone.

 I finally found it in a heap of clothes, and took it out.

 It was a text from an unknown number. "I know what ur doing&it doesn't make me happy." was what it said.

 I wiped my sweaty palms on my shorts.

 Somehow, call it intuition, but I knew that this wasn't some sleepover prank.  I was in some deep shit.

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