51- E P I L O G U E

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"Adrian, just because your a married man and I'm not, you can't push me around like this!"

Adrian looked at me as if he understood, then smirked and gave me another shove.

I gave an aggravated groan. It's been 2 years after senior graduation, and he was still pushing me around!

Mr. Corby let me graduate with my class, which I owe him a big thank you. I'm going to college now, studying to be a teacher. Hopefully, I can find a school to teach at.

Was going to dinner with Ally and Adrian worth all this? I laughed quietly to myself. Yeah, it was pretty worth it.

"Just a few more seconds!" Adrian said.

I turned to Ally, who was laughing silently beside me. "And your letting him do this, why?"

Ally smirked. "Cause it's funny."

I gave her a playful shove. "Damn, he turned you into his little minion after being married only a couple months!"

Ally gave an evil little chuckle. "Don't you mean I turned HIM into MY little minion?"

I snorted. "Does it matter?"

Adrian gave me one last shove, causing me to stumble across the pavement.

"Will you cut it out? I'm wearing heels!" I snapped, getting annoyed.

Ally barked out a laugh. "Honey, they aren't even 2 inches!"

I huffed. "It's 90 inches to me!"

2 hours later, I was sweaty and sore from all the walking. The sundress I had on had splatters of grime on it from the dirt roads we walked on.

"I'm done!" I cried, stopping.

We were in familiar ground for me now, and I stormed off, taking my heels off and swinging them in my hand.

I felt wet splatters of mud fling onto the back of my legs.

I moaned. "Why did your car have to break down?" I yelled behind me, knowing they were following me, laughing their asses off.

"Everything happens for a reason." Ally said, her voice coming closer with every step.

I rolled my eyes and winced when my bare feet touched the gravel.

I looked behind me and stared at Adrian and Ally enviously as Adrian hoisted Ally up into his arms.

Where was Grayson when I needed him?

I smiled at the thought of Grayson. Boyfriend for 4 years, he still hasn't cracked the question. At first, I wasn't the worried. I mean, it was a given that he'd propose to me, right?

But then, a year ago, I started to worry. Was he going to break up with me? Doesn't he want to marry me?

Ally was the only reason why I didn't go crazy, buying me icecream and romance movies.

I guess it's safe to say, embarassingly, that I've turned into a girl.

The only thing that still connects me to my tomboy self is running and spandex shorts.

I was on our street now, a couple houses away from mine.

Emma and I have reached a respected tolerance for one another, acknowledging eachother with one worded answers that were civil but not warm.

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