16-He Just Had To Pick A Witch For His New Girlfriend

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Chapter 16- He Just Had To Pick A Witch For His New Girlfriend

 How could he move on so quickly? And to the girl he said he'd never give a second chance to? Tears were flooding my eyes, and I wasn't about to let them overflow in front of Grayson.

"Ronnie! Wait!"

I ran out of there as fast as I could. I'm so sick of this! I didn't want to come to school just to be heartbroken. I was crying freely now, fully aware that I was in girl form, again. I wasn't looking where I was going and accidentally bumped into Zane. This cannot be happening to me. I didn't want to talk to this guy either.

I tried to sidestep him, but he sidestepped with me. He wouldn't let me through. I pushed his chest and tried with all my might to get through him but he wouldn't budge. "Let me through!" I bellowed.

I was done being nice. I kneed him in the balls and passe through. I'd apologize later. Once I was outside, I screamed as loud as I could. Feeling better, I sank against the academy wall and sobbed. The one person I was in love with just had to be someone I'm never getting again. Just as the sun was setting, I heard someone call my name. I looked to the left to see Zane. Why does he keep reappearing in my life?

"What?" I snarled.

Zane was unfazed as he squatted next to me. "Hard day?" He asked.

I grunted and snorted at the same time. That didn't even cover it.

"Wanna tell me about it?" asked Zane.

He was being so nice.. I needed that. So I spilled my heart out to him, starting with the moment I got the offer to study at Roller Academy. After listening with no interruptions, I glanced at him, wondering if he was asleep. He was just gazing at me, thoughtfully.

"He'll get over it. If he doesn't, he really isn't worth it, Ronnie. I mean come on.. I thought he loved you! Why would he be naked in bed making out with one of his exes? It just doesn't add up."

I put my face in my hands and shuddered. "Why are you being so nice to me right now?" I asked, my voice muffled with my hands.

Zane shrugged. He took out a hand and ticked each one off. "One, your hot. Two, your hard to get and I like a challenge. Three, you interest me so I want to get close to you to figure you out."

I just looked at him. He calls me the freak? Ooookay. Well, he still gets points for being sweet. "Thanks, Zane. I owe you one."

Zane's smirk at that made me regret giving him an I.O.U. I knew I'd get it later..

 We walked back to the Academy, just talking and laughing. Zane isn't that bad of a guy. My first impression of him was totally wrong. Standing this close to him, I noticed he wasn't smelling like Abercrombie anymore. He had an original scent, with mint and detergent mixed in. It might not sound pleasent, but I like it. A lot.

From a side view, I examined Zane's face. He had perfect skin any girl would die for. His white teeth shown in the light. Zane looked over and caught me looking. He gave me an amused look while I glanced away quickly, blushing.

"Examining my good looks? I knew you'd wake up sometime." he teased.

"Don't flatter yourself." I muttered, still blushing.


 I couldn't face Grayson, so I went straight for Adrian's room. He let me bunk with him and Ally, who sneaks in every night now. It was uncomfortable with all three of us in one bed, and Adrian didn't have a roommate.. yet. So I hopped out, letting them have the bottom bunk as I took the top.

I tossed and turned all night, not getting any sleep. I watched the sun come up and I heard the birds twittering cheerfully. I hopped out of bed. I ran to my dorm, slipping in quietly. I glanced to Grayson's side and wished I hadn't.. again.

Tara was in it, snuggled into Grayson's chest. Sure that they wouldn't wake up, I took my clothes off and changed into basketball shorts and a hoodie. As I was zippering up my jacket, I heard someone say, "Ronnie?"

I stopped short. No. Then I heard a girlier voice. "Your Ronnie?"

Not wanting to start off on the wrong foot, I slowly turned and gave her a fake smile. "Yeah. Tara?"

Her face immediately got red, then purple. "Yeah, I'm Tara. Get out, bitch."

Whoa. I wasn't expecting that. I put on my poker face and said, "Gladly. Your just rebound, FYI."

I left her cursing at me, and all I did was chuckle. What an amature. As I was walking down the hall, I saw Zane. For the first time ever, I felt a grin slide onto my face when I saw him. He saw me smiling and came towards me, slinging his arm through mine.

"What's up girlfrandd?" He asked in a girlish voice. I laughed and dragged him to breakfast. I was starving.

 Once we sat down by ourselves, I asked Zane, "So you going to the beach today?"

He nodded enthusiastically. Good. That's what I wanted to hear. I twisted a lock of my hair and gave Zane the sweetest smile. "Zane.. could you smuggle me onto the bus? As me, a girl?"

He looked confused for a second, then realized that I couldn't just get on an all boys boarding school's bus. He nodded and held up a finger. Here it comes. The condition. "You have to sit with me on the bus,."

That's it? I gave a sigh of relief. I nodded and watched as his face lit up. It doesn't take much to please this kid.

After breakfast, I went to my dorm and started to pack. I packed a towel, toiletries, underwear and bras, and a lot of short jean shorts and spaghetti straps and tube tops. It was gonna be HOT. As for a swimming suit, I called up Carol to send two down.

Apparently, Tankini or one piece wasn't in her vocabulary. They were all bikinis. One was sprty looking and had grey and yellow patterns on it. The other one was white and had sketched doodles on it with black. They were both cute, I have to admit. I threw them in and zipped up my suitcase. Time to go.

I went to Zane's dorm and found him just closing his luggage. He looked up when I opened the door and threw me something. I saw that it was a huge t shirt. Then he chucked a hat at me.

"Put them on and your in." He said, dragging me out the door when I put on the "Disguise."

 I felt giddy as I got onto the bus. I waved at Adrian who was on the phone. I heard a bunch of Sagert girls were going to the beach too. Zane and I chose a seat in the way back, with just Adrian on the opposite side. Privacy.

Then, as I looked out the window, I saw Grayson driving his car, a shiny gray mercedes. It wasn't that that bothered me. it was the person in the passenger seat. Tara. My day just got worse.

Don't ask me why he effects me like that when he's with another girl. I should be happy that he moved on. But neither of us were ready to date other people! I slammed my knee in frustration.

"Relax. Just have fun." Zane whispered in my ear.

I smiled at him, instantly at peace again. From behind Zane, I could see Adrian wagging his eyebrows. I blushed and winked at him, even wondering myself what that wink meant.

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