20- The Pain Ends Here.

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Chapter 20- The Pain Ends Here.

I thought back. On the bright side, I was in love with him, he was hot, sweet when he wants to be, and protective. He understands me. On the not so good side, he jumps to conclusions, doesn't hear me out, probably had sex with Tara, probably went out with Tara just to get back at me, said mean things to me.

Yeah, things weren't going in his favor. Which is exactly why I said the next thing, as much as it killed me to say so. "No." I told the trashcan at my feet firmly.

My heart beat started to beat faster and I felt  a sense of loss. Grayson didn't talk for a long time. I moved out of his grasp and I moved onto Adrian and Ally's bed.

"Not after what you did to me." I elaborated.

He still didn't move, just sat gazing at the floor. I went into the bathroom and closed the door, hoping that when I came out he would be gone. After five minutes, I couldn't take the confined space. I walked out, confident that I was alone. Wrong. I blew out a sigh and looked at Grayson, exasperated.

"Is there something you want to say?" I asked.

"I'm not going to give up, you know." He answered in a determined voice.

My heart fluttered but I tore it from my chest, threw it down and stomped on it until I'm sure it will never flutter annoyingly again. I was about to give in, no matter how much I stomped on my heart, but Tara dominated my mind.

"Whatev." I choked out before sprinting out.

I wasn't good at the letting go thing..


The rematch for the volleyball game was held today. Adrian begged me to go so I finally gave in and promised to be there. I didn't want to go, since Tara, Grayson, and Zane were going to be there. I put on jean shorts and my bikini top and walked out with my shades perched on my head. When I got to the court, I joined the "good" team. I was greeted with pats on the backs and hugs.

Apparently, more people were worried about me then they thought. I smiled and took my position front and center. I calculated my opponents. As if by fate, Zane, sporting lots of bruises and some casts, Grayson, Tara, Adrian, Ally, and some others I didn't know were on the other team. Grayson smiled at me and I just rolled my eyes. Kiss up.

Virgil served the ball and it went sailing into a light toss over the net. It was headed straight for Tara. She gave a girly scream and jumped on Grayson's lap. I laughed out loud and watched as Grayson was trying to disentangle himself from Tara. I shook my head knowingly. Even if Grayson and I do get back together, Tara will always be part of the picture. 

After a few more points to our team, it was my turn to serve. I snickered. He's gonna get it. I put all my focus onto the ball and my hand. I prepared for a hard power serve to Grayson, aiming it at his nose when Zane spoke up. "Hey, bitch, hurry up and serve it!"

I narrowed my eyes and changed my target from Grayson to Zane. He saw that he got my attention so he taunted me more. "I didn't flirt with you cause of your face or that personality crap." He informed me.

I rolled my eyes. "Then what did you flirt with me for?" I scoffed.

"Your boobs. and your ass isn't that bad either." came his response.

Feelin' cocky? I saw red as I yelled, "There was a reason why I didn't flirt back with you, bastard! And that one time at the beach was cause I felt sorry for your useless ass." 

Zane looked at me, with a hurt expression. Then in a flash it was replaced by a lethal one. "Come at me, bitch." He gestured. Isn't that what girls say? I shrugged and figured it didn't matter. Obviously he didn't learn last time. 

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