10-There's The Genius,&His Sidekick That Happens To Be An Idiot.

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*Ey, there! I think I kinda screwed up this story.. but I'll try to put some of my original ideas into action here. Guys, this might not have been good because I was realy upset while I wrote this.. My best friend just decided that he didn't want to be friends anymore and things are kinda hard.. haha Well, anyhowww, vote and comment! <---Important(:*

Chapter 10-  There's The Genius,&His Sidekick That Happens To Be An Idiot.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I blinked a couple times and tried to wake up. Through squinted eyes I saw Grayson. I grunted in annoyance and turned over, ignoring him.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled.

No one interrupted me when I'm sleeping. He shook me again and I waved my fist until it made contact with something hard. I whimpered. I banged my fist on the bed table. I heard laughing and someone jerked my blanket away before I could hold onto it.

I groaned and opened my eyes, glaring at Grayson with the most anger I could muster. He grabbed my arms and dragged me from bed and pushed me into the bathroom. "30 minutes 'till class starts" called his voice through the door.

I grunted in response and turned the shower on. After I was all boyed up, I walked out of the room. Right outside my room stood Adrian with a big smile on his face. I waved and asked curiously, "Whatsup?"

Adrian just grinned and handed me a piece of paper. I looked at it and saw that it was the flier for the race Saturday. I felt my face light up too and laughed. I tucked it into my pocket and Adrian and I walked to History together.

Ever since the cafeteria tell off, Jay hasn't been a problem. And in History, Mr. Fray keeps a keen eye on him, always watching out for me. I liked that guy. After History, and all the other boring periods before lunch we over, I met up with Adrian so we can go eat in my room.

As I changed into tights and a t shirt, I heard Adrian groan. I opened the door as I pulled my shirt down and saw that Adrian was on the ground, rolling. I knelt down beside him and slapped his face lightly. He looked up with a hurt expression. I frowned.

"You were supposed to act concerned and ask if I was alright. Not slap me!" Adrian scolded.

I realized this was another stupid "Lesson". I rolled my eyes and got up to eat my pasta. "I know how to be a good girfriend. You act like I've never dated before."

Adrian's eyes got wide and he slapped a hand over his mouth in mock horror. "The boy virgin, Ronnie Lark, has dated before?!"

I pushed him, causing him to stagger a few feet away from me. "In kindergarden." Was all I said.

I knew he was going to make fun of me. Just as expected, he burst out laughing and started to cry. I frowned again and waited for him to calm down. It wasn't that funny..

 As soon as Adrian calmed down, his eyes lit up and gave me a "One second" signal with his finger. I nodded and watched him dash out the door. About fifteen minutes later, he came back with a bag. He handed it to me and sat next to me on the bed, wanting to see my reaction.

Eagerly, I tore at the tissue and saw that inside the bag was a pile of clothes. As I held them up, I realized they were a running uniform.. kinda. There were normal soccer shorts with a blue stripe coming down the side. There was a t-shirt that had Lark on the left hand part of the chest. It was green, probably because of Adrian's last name.

I grinned shaking my head. The last thing in the bag was a hoodie. It had LARK on the back and the front was completely blank except for a few words off center towards the bottom. In cool letters it said:

Adrian Green was Here.

I looked up at Adrian with a confused look on my face. He laughed and explained, "It's your love record." Why is he so wierd?

I punched his arm playfully. "We aren't dating." I reminded him.

"On the contrary." Adrian said.

I rolled my eyes and grinned. As I saw everything he gave me, I felt so happy I would kiss him. And so I did. I threw my arms around him and came full onto his lips, not even giving him a warning. We made out for a while until Adrian broke away. He was panting.

"I think you got the kissing down."

I grinned and lept off the bed, wanting to wear my new outfit. When I put everything on and put my hair in a ponytail, I saw that on the sweatshirt a little lower from my "love record", it said:

 And Grayson Hutser Is Here.

My eyes got wide and I burst out of the bathroom. "What is this?!"

Adrian just chuckled and said, "I was hoping you'd notice that soon. I didn't feel like getting another sweatshirt with your newest boy toy," With bunny ears over "Boy Toy", "So I just put it down now, since it'll happen soon."

I almost choked. He sure is funny. "Not a chance." I reassured him, although I wished what I was saying isn't true. I shook my head. I missed when boys were pigs.

Just as we were about to go to our seperate classes, Adrian grabbed my hand and said, "The dance is next friday. A girl's boarding school, thr Sargert Academy was invited. Think about that.."

I frowned in confusion, wondering what he was talking about. Then it clicked. My mouth formed an o and Adrian just laughed and pushed me towards the English room. Adrian was such a genius.

Should I go as a girl to that dance and try to win Grayson over? I shook my head sadly. I'm such an idiot for even thinking that. Why would he want me.

Me, whose just a freak.

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