Chapter 74

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Hey people, sorry for the wait! I've been super busy, and I had nearly no time to write! But, I'm here now! I don't know if you'll like this chapter but I liked writing it! Anyways, I hope ya do enjoy it, and the song above really sets the mood; If you play Warframe, you know, but its For Narmer from Warframe! Enjoy!

Laser-like heat burned through the sky, the sun sat its rightful throne, high in the sky; not like its shy peak during the dawn, nor its final glare at dusk, but its intense stare at its truest height of its power, High Noon, the turning of day to night.

Two armies shook off their restraints, finally beginning their march, vying for blood and war, a clashing of Ideals and views; to decide the fate of the very world, to chaos untold, or blind peacefulness.

At the heads of each army, two titans, two gods in mortal form, both fighting an ancient fight, whittled down into its base form, Good vs. Evil, Chaos vs. Order, stood high and mighty.

The ones in the middle, the innocents, could only watch as war waged untold, families torn, by fighting or by death, homes obliterated as fires and Death raged unchecked.

Crows picked at the dead, blood and gore gulped down by the scavengers, feasting on the corpses; it didn't matter to who they ate, be it a child, a villain or hero, the crows feasted.

And, where two forces of man fought, only one survived, the Heroes forces...

Were shattered, their army rendered null as their bodies bloodied the ground of Japan, tainting her green grass with crimson blood.

The main heroes force, the one that had been created to fight the main host of spilt villains, was instead forced to engage in a heavily one-sided fight with the entirety of the Paranormal Liberation Front, all one hundred thousand of them, give or take, with All for One himself at the helm, his new looks and intimidating aura breaking what little morale the heroes had left.

Their fractured morale, low numbers in comparison to the Front and All for One's many mind quirks, played a part in the Heroes defeat, and the Front fought and crushed them; and, in the aftermath, none of the heroes survived.

It was a resounding victory for the Front.

Darkness flooded the bonds of Fate, the future which was once a muddied mess of millions of outcomes began to narrow down to a few hundred options; it was no longer ambiguous and cloudy as many of the futures collapsed, no longer viable, and many of the new futures had but one ending.


                                                          With All for One on his Throne...

How could the heroes beat their enemies back, the people who had been stabbed in the back by one of their own, so thoroughly betrayed; their ranks and form destroyed as the typhoon that the Paranormal Liberation Front had become closed in around them.

Around the world, in fact, the heroes faced push backs as villains rose, awoken by the call of All for One, and thousands of villains began to break the thinning heroes by the day, crime rates rose by over 80% and the people, the innocent and the people who lived in ignorant bliss were caught in the crossfire.

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