Chapter 44

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Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Plus, I wanted to thank everyone who reads and votes for this! Up above is a song I recommend its: Savior by George Ezra! Also, here's my Discord Server if y'all wanna join:


"Good day my precious viewers!" A posh, well mannered voice comes from a computer screen, it was a HeroTube video.

The video shows a simple convenience store in Musutafu, and the camera zooms out to show a man white hair and moustache, holding a cane and a knife in the opposite, the man smiles at the camera, his eyes gleaming;

"I hope that you are swell! Today I will be doing a... Robbery!" The video transitions from the store front to the inside, where the man from before holds a knife to the cashier, who recognises the robbery and stutters,

"I-I know you..." But the robber interrupts the clerk stating-

"As much as I would like to stay and chat, I am on a rather tight schedule. Please could you place all your money within the briefcase." As the clerk starts to pile money into the case, the video speeds up until the case was filled and the man thanks the cashier.

"Thank you. I will be leaving now."

The man turns around and as he does so, the store doors slide open, revealing two rather unknown heroes, who demand.

"Put your weapons down!" A female voice comes from behind the camera.

"Ah! This is bad Gentle! The Heroes are here! Will you be okay?!" The man - Gentle – Chuckles at the girl, confidently stating.

"Worry not, La Brava! Do you really think two heroes can stop me?" Suddenly three more heroes drop in, all ready for action as they repeat;

"Drop your weapons!" Gentle's smile tenses as he drops his knife, muttering aloud,

"More came..." He then puts down the briefcase, calling out; "La Brava. You may want to cut this part..."

The video cuts out, the screen buzzing as black static filled the screen before colour and motion filtered back on. The scene is odd when it cuts back, Gentle walks away from the store, pink smoke evaporating off his form, 5 heroes laid on the ground, defeated and the store wobbles and bounces like Jelly...

Now the viewers get a good luck at the criminal, he's wearing old fashioned clothes, a tailcoat with two tails, a cane two large collars behind his neck and bagging pants. His cane clicks as Gentle walks away, saying;

"Let us make our exit, La Brava!" The voice from before, La Brava, states worriedly;

"But Gentle! The money!" Without looking at the girl, Gentle tells her.

"Don't worry, La Brava. I'm merely paying for the appearance fee!" The well-mannered man chuckles, stating;

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