Chapter 75

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Whoop Whoop! Sorry for a late one, work piled up but i'm here with another chapter! Hope ya enjoy this one! Also, 8K votes and nearly 250K views!!!! That makes me so happy, and so do your comments!! I love you people so much!! Plus, I hope y'all enjoy the song above, its Vogel Im Kafig from Attack of Titan!!




These were what Izuku Midoriya felt; it was all encompassing, a black void of negativity that surrounded his spirit.

It had been three months since All for One had seized full control over Japan, using whatever twisted cursed quirk he had in his dirty palm, and Izuku knew it was just the start of All for One's reign of terror. He could feel the call that the quirk had sent off within the shadowed depths of his mind, howling like a hungry wolf circling its prey with a maddened fervour.

The vestiges of One for All fought the Call, its siren song sweet like honey, with all their might, but even then, Izuku could hear it.

He doubted anyone could resist the Call for as long as he had; the only reason he could was because his mind was protected by people long dead who became part of One for All after their death.

In the week after the energy blast, Izuku had found refuge in the former prison that was once Tartarus, and where he remained as the days dragged on.

The place was decrepit and long abandoned, no souls remaining in those empty halls, all that remained was the shattered husk that was once a mighty bastion that stood tall against the world's Darkness contained within.

And now a home to Izuku Midoriya.

Slumping, Izuku looked at the sky, the beautiful night sky dotted with twinkling stars and shining nebulas, so light and shiny, a pure mirror of his thoughts; his mind was dark and depressing, thoughts spiralling downwards as he remembered fleeing through the torn streets of towns and cities; all of which had fallen under the Call's influence.

The people, once free and alive, were now nothing more than puppets to All for One's will. He controlled them, through complete manipulation of the mind; he made it seem as though the person, who was in an hallucinogenic trance, was living their best life, following All for One who they had subconsciously linked to their 'perfect' life.

After all, who wouldn't follow a man who made their lives so much better.

The people followed his every whim, his command absolute and the loyalty he forced into them was fanatic at best.

They loved him, those unknowing slaves, and what work force is better than a fanatic one? One which will follow the leader to the death?

It was horrible, they were like zombies, lost to All for One's maddening Call, and Izuku was no longer that shining hero of Hope that the public called to for help; no, he was Public Enemy Number One, his name plastered all over the cities, spoken in spite filled whispers; his name spat upon by the people who once admired him.

Flames of Hope (Ye Olde Version)Where stories live. Discover now