Chapter 49

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Hey! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this... Odd? chapter! Also, enjoy the song above! Its: Did you hear the Rain by George Ezra! Plus, here's a link to my Discord Server if ya wanna join:!

"DADDY!" A young, childish voice calls out.

Confused, Izuku Midoriya turns around, his eyes flitting about the scene with curiosity, then terror as they fall upon the person shouting. The shouter was a child, a boy no older than four years old, and had striking similarities to himself and Shouto. He had white hair, with strands of green and red weave through the snow white locks, one cyan and one emerald eye with freckles dotting his cheeks, and an energetic smile filled with joy.

Then suddenly, by the boy's side walked up an older Shouto; hair tightly wrapped into a neat bun, eyes near glowing and a noticeable ring tied on a chain around his neck. The golden band gleamed under the harsh sunlight cascading down upon them. A cool, deep voice rumbles from Shouto;

"Akira, please calm down. Your dad isn't going anywhere, are you honey?"

That pet name sent shivers down Izuku's spine, the good shivers, and Izuku nods distractedly, petting the boys head like second nature, and the boy – Akira – his mind supplies, leans in with a smile. Words fly out of Izuku's mouth without his control;

"No, I'm not going anywhere, dear. Why would I leave when I've got everything I want here with me?" Izuku's hand moves gently through Akira's hair, before the boy looks to Izuku, beaming;

"Daddy! Let's go and play hero and villain again!" Izuku chuckles,

"Am I going to be the villain or the hero?" Akira puts his finger to his chin like his thinking as he answers;

"You can be the villain!" He declares proudly. Izuku shakes his head with a fond smile as he's dragged away by Akira.

An hour of playing later, he's back by Shouto's side, leaning in for a hug. Feeling the warmth emanating from Shouto, Izuku leans into Shouto, smiling gently as the man whispers into his ear;

"Look how the mighty have fallen. The Number One hero defeated by a four year old. Oh, the woes!" Izuku shoves Shouto playfully, whispering back,

"Now you'll have to take my place." Shouto smiled, replying;

"No one can replace you, Izu." Then the half and half man leaned in, catching Izuku's lips in a passionate kiss.

"Eww!" Both stop and peer at the child – their child – who has his tongue stuck out and eyes screwed shut,

"Why are you... Kissing ?" Akira whispered innocently. Izuku bellows a laugh, and answers childishly;

"Because I love him!" Shouto sneaks a hand around Izuku's waist and Izuku does the same action. Above them, the sky begins to darken, the far away sound of thunder rolling in rumbled into the ground and Izuku looked to the sky, stating;

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