Chapter 52

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Hey! I'm back and I'm so sorry! I haven't uploaded in a while have I? I've been super caught up in getting back into the gist of college and such! It may take longer to write chapters! I'm sorry! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! The song above is: Emperor's New Clothes by Caleb Hyles! Also, feel free to join my Discord Server if ya want: !

One would think that physical therapy would be a walk in the park with regeneration and augmentation.

And you would be wrong.

Izuku groan as he flipped his legs out of the hospital bed, shaking them awake as he places them on the cold tiles of the hospital floor. Glaring at his feet, Izuku mutters;

"Can't use your quirks they said. Might hurt you even more they said! I hate this..." Desperately, Izuku clutches his cane, they'd gave it back to him when he had woken up after his coma, and wobbly hobbles out of his room and into the corridor.

Clicking, the tap of his cane reverberated down the corridors, they were nearly empty, with nurses rushing about the place; He'd been placed in a Hero Hospital, after all, so it wasn't as busy as a normal hospital ward, where the nurses where rushing too.

Weakly, Izuku pushes open a cosy wooden door and steps inside, smiling gently at the person inside. The room reminded Izuku of a study of sorts, it had many bookshelves with books lined up by the dozen, a fireplace casting a warm orange glow into the room with two comfortable seats in front, both looking at a portrait of All Might at his first debut. Izuku sits on the seat as the other occupant sits opposite and asks him;

"Izuku, how are you doing?"

Mr. Haru. A gentle soul with a kind heart. The man wore a simple black suit, buttoned up clean and professional, with a purple tie. The man's outfit fit well with his undercut grey hair and beard. It made him both seem casual and professional.

Said man was also Izuku's personal therapist which he began to visit a week into his recovery; the man had a simple quirk: he emits a calming aura. Mr. Haru had been a huge help in Izuku's recovery, especially after the nightmares and night terrors he'd suffer, along with the increasing anxiety and self-hatred of himself due to his inability to get back to his original strength. Izuku's inability to help other, to save other and inspire the hope that the world so desperately needed right now; they all fed into Izuku's mental health in a bad way...

Often times, Izuku would visit the man's office to talk, and that's all Izuku would do for hours, and Izuku hadn't even opened up to the man at first. Who would want to talk about their very personal issues with a stranger? Nevertheless, time passed and Izuku continued going and found the man's assistance to be invaluable in his recovery.

"Mr. Haru, I've been well enough." Izuku winces at lie, and twitches his nose, "Getting use to walking after so long is a tad annoying, and it makes me feel weak. Why can't I just get better?! I need to go back! I need to train again!" Mr. Haru places his hand on his notebook, and speaks gently;

"Izuku, you cannot expect yourself to be better right of the bat. You suffered major injuries in your battle. It requires time to heal and rushing your healing can have adverse effects on your body. Patience." Mr. Haru writes in his notebook, then looks to Izuku,

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