Chapter 34

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Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Also, i drew the picture above! That is what i imagine Izuku's suit looks like! (That was also my first ever time drawing with Photoshop! Please don't be disappointed! I only watched one Youtube tutorial :( ...)

Exercising, Izuku jogs lightly around the campus, letting his muscles burn and the relaxing elation of exercise consume his being. Rarely did he have the chance to do proper exercise by himself, with both the villain attacks and school taking up so much time, his self-training had slacked, becoming a minor in a plethora task he had to complete. Breathing deeply, Izuku lets himself free, he clears his mind and focuses on the jogging, his muscles aching in the best way, the way that makes joy fill the mind.

Sadly, peace was never an option in the Hero world.

Stopping by a tree, Izuku takes a breather, letting the cool oxygen refresh his lungs; until he exhales harshly as his phone buzzes to life, a text from Shouta.

'Get back to the dorms, we're having a guest.'

Deadpan, Izuku strolls back to the dorms. Of course, he did take his time, just to spite Shouta, he's petty like that, and as he pushed open the doors, he saw everyone stood at attention. And there in all his insomniac was Shouta, who turned and glared deadly at Izuku, before his monotone voice droned in.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll give you the news. A news reporter has been brought in; they'll be writing an article on how you have adapted to the dorms. it is mostly to reassure your families." As he finished, the main door creaked open and a man with jet black hair and round glasses strutted in, his smile kind and gave off a 'cool man' vibe. Izuku didn't feel his instincts go off, meaning that the reporter probably hasn't got any malicious intent towards the class so he's fine with it. The reporter introduced himself;

"My name is Taneo Tokuda. Please, feel free to be yourself, imagine my presence is not here at all."

2 Days later, Izuku practices on the front deck. It was mostly shadow boxing, but he did stretch at times. Rain trickled down from the grey sky and Izuku saw the skinny form of All Might approaching, his face cut into a wide smile with a bag plus umbrella in hand as he waves;

"Young Izuku! Hello!" Izuku smiles back,

"Hi All Might!" Bashfully, All Might shoots back;

"Please, All Might is retired, call me Toshinori." Izuku nods and lets All – Toshinori sit next to him as he thinks;

'Now that All Might has retired, the world lacks it's Symbol of Peace, it's pillar. With both Endeavour and All Might out of hero work, many of the public are in fear of the future of society and heroes in general. That just means I'll have to work harder to move forward.'

Toshinori looks over to Izuku and tells him;

"I'm stepping back as a main teacher at U.A for the time being." Raising an eyebrow, Izuku questions.

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