Chapter 54

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Hey! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Also, thank you to everyone who reads and leaves a vote, they're much appreciated! Plus, here's a song that fits well with this chapter! It's House of Memories by Panic at the Disco! And, if ya want, here's a link to my Discord Server: !

Arriving to class, Izuku sits glancing worriedly at the clock; Shouta was very late, even by his standards. By the time Heroics Class rolled around, Izuku was close to just ringing Shouta and demanding where he was and why he wasn't in school. A hand places itself on his shoulder and he turns to see Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, the bird headed boy asks;

"Are dark beings invading your mind, Midoriya? If so, I can assist with a séance to communicate with them." Izuku shakes his head fondly at Tokoyami's antics, and replies;

"Nah it's fine. I'm worried about Mr. Aizawa is all. He hasn't been in all day. It seems weird to me..." Tokoyami nods his head sagely,

"Yes. It does seem rather strange for our teacher to be missing. However, we must trust in him, he knows what he's doing for the most part." Izuku smiles and walks out in his suit, the rest of the class beside him as they enter the training grounds.

Suddenly, a gangly man waves with cotton candy in his hands as he shouts;

"I am Here! To over see your training! Although I am not a full teacher yet, your Heroics Teacher has left me behind a neat lesson plan of which I will follow! Now come along! We've got things to do!" Why Toshinori has candy, Izuku will never know, but then the class got down to business.

Most of the class had gotten training in regard to teamwork, almost two weeks of none stop joint training with 1-B had seen to it that the heroics classes could work in tandem with one another. Izuku was the only one excluded due to his... extended hospital stay... but he had experience with working with others, so it cancelled out in the end.

So, now the class found themselves getting physically fit for heroics; Toshinori had given them detailed plans to help them with their strengths and cover their weaknesses that connect to their physical form. Most of the class needed this kind of training; some relied too heavily on their quirks, and Toshinori was hammering that out of them with the strict policy of no quirk usage as they trained with weights and such.

He even taught basic martial arts to everyone in the class, it had been surprising to many to see Toshinori pull some of the moves he did in his frail body. And he had surprising strength behind those stick like arms of his; even without his quirk, Toshinori was still a hero...

A cold breeze whipped past Izuku as he left to the dorms, sending a shiver down his spine. He looked to the sunny sky and then to Shouto, raised an eyebrow questioningly. How odd.

Four people marched down steel corridors, faces set into a grim indifference, hiding a swirling storm of emotions as they spoke in whispers;

"As I informed you over the phone, recent information has come to light over Nomu's and their creation." Tsukauchi started;

"However, the creation process isn't how we initially perceived it to be..." Tsukauchi pauses,

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