Chapter 87

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Oh, my my! What is this, I hear you ask? After some time, a lotta writer's block, things in life and all that jazz, I've wrote another chapter! We're reaching the end, slowly but surely. I hope y'all have enjoyed the ride so far, and I'm so sorry of the complete inconsistency! Tis hard for me to continue writing sometimes, but I've pushed through! Here ya go! Also, the song above is called Defence of Moscow by Sabaton! Real great song!

High in the halls of Avalon, the ragtag army had gathered, eyes burning with determination as Merlin stood over them, his eyes as grim as death.

"We'll be reaching the shores of Japan within the next hour. Be prepared, we're expecting heavy resistance. The Paranormal Liberation Front marches."

Mumbles filled the hall, whispers hushed at the news that Merlin broke. While they may have been in the dark before, they still had data on the Front, including the numbers that rank within their army and to say it was bad would be like saying a tsunami was a small wave on a nice summer day.

The Paranormal Liberation Front had over 50,000 fighters, both villains and compliant civilians alike, alone for their ground forces, compared to Avalon's 30,000 ragtag mixture of heroes, soldiers and police collected from the collective countries of the world. That number of bodies within the Front however, doesn't include the induction of the Japanese Defence Front, the Military branch of the Japanese government, who brought over their navy and air force to merge with the now superpower that was the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Luckily, however, the Japanese Army and Navy couldn't hold a candle to the hyper power that was the combined armed forces of the United World, nearly every single Country that survived after the Shattering had donated whatever they could to the task force attacking and retaking Japan without compromising their own national security.

And, from the east, piercing over the oceanic horizon rose Avalon, its mighty shadow casting across Japan as it stood tall and proud, the lone gazer on the edge of the abyss that was Japan and its new found ruler.

Alarms blared as a voice spoke over the intercom, seemingly hurried.

"Battle stations! We've picked up movement from the enemy forces! Aircraft are inbound! I Repeat! Aircraft are inbound!"

People kicked into action as they geared up, mechanical whirring occurred all around them as turrets unfolded upon the high towers of Avalon as the people manned the wall, quirk and weapon bound and ready for the action that was coming their way.

Fire, ice, bullets all rained through the sky, a macabre scene of death and misery as bodies and scrap piled up; people were dead in seconds as the skirmish toiled on, the airborne fighters torn apart by invisible forces as black lead rained from the sky and onto the battlements of Avalon.

This wasn't what people wanted, but it was a necessary action to restore the world lost to chaos.

A blink, then the sky blazed with fire, the fighters in the sky, once flying majestically with speed and precision, were melted to molten metal as the scraps fell into the blue void below them. From within the fire storm, floating like an avenging angel sent from Heaven, was Izuku Midoriya.

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