Chapter 23

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Hello! This will be my last daily chapter! I have no schedule after this! It'll be random updates when i finish a chapter! Enjoy!

As soon as Izuku left the courtroom, he was wrapped in a hug from Shouto, who was thanking Izuku for everything he has done. Izuku noticed that tears had gathered in the boy's eye and told him –

"Let it all out, Sho."

Dams broke in Shouto, tears poured down the boy's face, leaving a streak of red in its wake. All Izuku did was hug the boy and whisper soft assurances into Shouto's ear, letting him release all the pain and sorrow that had built during the years under that villains' thumb. Out of the corner of his eye, Izuku saw that Fuyumi was making a phone call; no doubt that she was setting up a meeting for her mother to see a clean psychologist from another city with no connection to her father.

Tears slowly stopped falling before long and Shouto looked to Izuku before planting a passionate kiss on the greenette's lips. It felt like electricity and Izuku knows he'll never get used to that feeling of his lover's lips on his own. Widely, Izuku smiles to Shouto and takes his hand, leading him outside to the limo only to see them surrounded by vultures/the press demanding Shouto for answers. Angrily, a small shockwave comes from Izuku which pushes back the crowd as he shouts at them –


Pressure exerted itself on the crowd. The sheer presence that Izuku was putting out was enough to snuff out the remining chatter from the gathered crowd. With his eyes, Izuku asks 'Do you want them to know?' to Shouto, who just nods at Izuku. Professionally, Izuku steps forward, hands drawn behind his back as he looks to the crowd and says –

"Today, the Number Two Hero: Endeavour, was arrested. He no longer has a hero license and has been admitted to Tartarus. That's all. Leave, you are disturbing the victims."

No one could speak. Everyone drew in a breath. This was not what they expected, the Number Two Hero arrested as well as put in Tartarus? He must have done something horrible. People all over Japan watched as the former Number Two was dragged out of the court in chains, a hero second only to All Might was arrested and the seeds of Doubt had been sawn within the minds of the Population.

If they couldn't trust the Number Two Hero, what other heroes could they trust?

Inside the limo, the Todoroki family breathed a sigh of relief. They had been freed of their father and they were no longer under his thumb; They had free reign over their life for the first time.

Now that the Endeavour Fiasco is over and his family free, Izuku could start getting ready for the training camp. It was to begin in two days, they leave on that day to, giving Izuku some prime time to spend with Shouto and his training. He had set up another date at a well-known cat café, Shouto having a love to cats, and its adorable to see; it makes Izuku's heart melt at the sight of Shouto holding a small cat in his arms.

So precious.

During the date, Izuku noticed that Shouto looked and acted some much happier, he was smiling more and was a lot more open, this caused Izuku to smile; his boyfriend was so happy, and his eyes glowed more, no longer clouded with hatred but cleared with love. When they left, Izuku took Shouto to Dagobah beach, hands entwined as they walk down the seas edge, the sun setting behind them as they moved. As they walked, Izuku told Shouto all about One for All; Izuku trusted Shouto more than anyone else in the world and knew that Shouto would keep it a secret. In turn, Shouto told Izuku something that no one else knew other than Endeavour –

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