Chapter 69

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Hey guys! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Sorry for the slight wait, I was procrastinating on writing for a bit. Anyway, the song above is Follow You by Imagine Dragons! Feel free to comment!

Waking up after a coma is the worst.

That's what Shouta decides as he stares at the ceiling with his cold dead eyes. Beside him was Recovery Girl, who was nattering on about something or other, really, he couldn't care less.

All he wants is simple: Coffee, Hizashi and his family.

What more could he need other than sleep?

"...Your body has lost some muscle mass from nearly a month of inactivity..."

Shouta's mind halts.

'I've been out for nearly a month? How's Hizashi been? Izuku?! Eri?!'

Immediately, Shouta tries to move; he feels his toes wiggle at his command, but not his legs or body. Was he so weak he couldn't move his body?!

That answer was yes.

He completely ignored Recovery Girl, all her talk going in one ear and out of the other as he pushed his body to just move !


Shouta winces, eyes flicking to the old lady as her head snaps to his face after she'd turned, making the hero shiver; it reminded him too much of the girl from the Exorcist.

"Watch your language boy." The old woman tells him coldly. Shouta's black eyes followed the lady as she pulls out a clip board;

"With your awakening, I've gone ahead and prepared for you to move into physiotherapy so that you can regain your muscle and movement." Shouta stares back at the ceiling, asking hollowly.

"How bad was I?" Shouta didn't miss the pity and sorrow that flickered through those wrinkled eyes as she went to inform him.

"You were close to death. When you came to my office, I managed to heal you, but not the poisons in your body. I needed the antidote for that, something I hadn't got; I put my best efforts into slowing the poison down, but any longer and I would have lost you." Shouta breathes sharply through his nose.

"How are Hizashi, Izuku and Eri?"

7 faces twist into disbelief at Izuku's question. Seven puts her hand delicately on Izuku's shoulder;

"I would love nothing more than to save Tenko, but what he's done, what he is now, he needs to be stopped, by any means." Izuku flinches back, whispering;

"What are you saying, Seven?" The Seventh User of One for All looks Izuku dead in the eyes and asks;

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