Chapter 26

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Hey! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and May the Fourth be with you!

Tense. 6 heroes and an ex-vigilante stood rigid facing different poles, waiting in silence for the enemies to arrive. Grey capture gear floated around glowing red eyes, orbs of blood circled the vampire and beasts of dirt and stone rose from the very earth.

Fire blazed around as lightning engulfed Izuku's figure, the flames forming into blades, which bounced around him threateningly as Amaterasu was firmly grasped in his right hand. Gold and Green lightning arced to the ground and up the spear as his left hand shook with untamed telekinetic energy, ready to be released at a moment notice. Some of his webs shook, the enemies were advancing on their position; he shouted –

"We've got incoming!"

Three black portals ripped apart the space they were once at and two people stepped out as well as a black skinned Nomu. The first who came out was a woman with all black clothes with black hair and void like eyes, her face was contorted into a sadistic smirk, as the one flanking her came out before leaving into the forest. Izuku didn't get a good look at him, only that he had a top hat and a white mask on. The smirk on the woman's face never left as she said –

"Ah, Izuku Midoriya! Just the person we're looking for!"


Then she said –

"Haven't you noticed that we can warp? Your little traps are ineffective."

Commanding, Izuku shouts -

"Mandalay go and rendezvous with the other students! Blood King watch your back! Tiger you too! Ragdoll search them and find their weaknesses! Pixie Bob set your beasts around this area! Set up a perimeter! Eraserhead you're with me! Let's move!"

Action was immediate and the orders were executed. Both Eraser head and Nova Blaze moved towards the female and Nomu, as the female says –

"Oh? You're approaching me?"

Izuku says nothing and goes to her left as Eraser head flanks her right. As they get closer, so does the female as she announces –

"You will die soon, so you might as well know my name; Umbra! Vanguard Leader!"

9 swords fly at the woman – Umbra – but are deflected by 9 swords made of complete shadows. Izuku snarls and twirls Amaterasu around before jabbing it at Umbra, it misses its mark and digs into the ground, where Izuku pulls it back. He releases his telekinetic energy from his left hand as a wave crashing towards Umbra who smugly smirks and copies his move, releasing a wave of shadows.

Nomu slugs over to Eraserhead, who had swiftly dodged the wave of shadow and right into Nomu's path. Knowing his quirk wouldn't work on the beast, Eraserhead charges to melee distance, ready to fight hand to hand. His hand is caught by the Nomu's overly large fist before being tossed into a tree with unholy amounts of strength.

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