Chapter 80

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Hello there! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I decided Shouto is next on my list! Mwuahaha! BUT! Thank you, my fantastically amazing readers! Your comments, views and votes mean the absolute world to me! THANK YOU!!! Anyways, the song above is The Rumbling by SIM! Its a great song! Enjoy~

"Did you really think that he loved you?"


"That he would love a poor, broken boy?"


"Someone like you, Shouto Todoroki?"

Soul breaking.

Those heavy words lay deep in Shouto's heart, cut deep where he hurt, those points in his defences that broke his heart into pieces. They knew how to shatter his spirit and resistance.

And, even if his heart knew that Izuku loved him, his mind didn't; instead, it echoed those cruel words like a broken record, forever in his ear, never leaving and reminding that Izuku didn't love him.

It hurt so badly and Shouto could feel it, within his soul, that he would break. He couldn't stay strong like this, not with what they were throwing at him; physical torture he could handle, he was resiliant, but mental and emotional? Those are where he hurt most.

Sticks and stones may break a person's bones, but words? Those can shatter a soul.

That's not even mentioning what he saw when he first awoke in his new Hell...


Heterochromatic eyes blinked, the voice was so familiar, in fact, it was the exact same as...


But it couldn't be. He hadn't seen Izuku for... so very long it feels like. And Izuku wouldn't have fallen in with the villains, not of his own free will anyways.

"Shouto... Did you think I would ever date you? A pathetic, no good, weak boy with daddy issues." Izuku, or an imposter, grimaced.

It was clear the thought of them dating was disgusting.

Was that true? Did Izuku hate dating him? Why...?

"Pity, Shouto Todoroki. Pity. I felt bad for you; after all, you are pathetic compared to me. Weak. Pitiful. Annoying. A mess. A nobody."


That can't be true...

Could it...?


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