Chapter 42

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Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! We got some Tododeku up in here! Plus; here's a song you can enjoy whilst reading: Call Your Name from Attack on Titan! If you want to join; he's my Discord Server too:


A dark, sinister voice echoed. It resounded and bounced, reverberating in a dark abyss before it reached who it was spoken to. Turning, Izuku Midoriya glanced around, fear and confusion clear as day. This wasn't a dream, he was up and about, helping Sato cook lunch, so why was he hearing a voice; one that was innately different from the former One for All users he had heard before. It was wrong, twisted, and distorted. It was filled with static, yet clear as day, and an instinctual feeling told Izuku that he knew this voice, he's heard it before, but where?

Shakily, Izuku pulled out of the kitchen, offering Sato an apology as he left, stating that he wasn't feeling well and was going to his room. Power walking, Izuku almost reached his room, then he heard it again;

"Little Brother..."

A ghost of a touch caused Izuku to shutter. He turned, only to find no one there, his mind playing tricks on him. He quickly got into his room, breathing deeply, before literally dropping like a sack of potatoes, unconscious on his bedroom floor, small gold and green lightning arched off his body...

Shouto tensed, his shoulders squared as his instincts fired off on all cylinders; something had happened, he didn't know what though... Shuddering, Shouto pushed the feeling aside as he set up his room; Gang Orca had given all the trainees a room at his agency to give respite to them before their exam tomorrow without the unreliability of public transport.

Sighing sadly, Shouto looks out of the window, missing Izuku dearly, and wishing he could go back to the man he loved;

"I love you, Izu..."

Empty, is what Shouto thinks. The room itself is nice, great even, but Shouto got so used to sleeping close to Izuku that sleeping alone feels almost wrong to him, and his blaring instincts weren't doing him any favours. He'd manage, he had survived living with Endeavour for most of his life, this couldn't be any worse than that...

Shouto knows he's not very good at the whole romance thing; His relationship with Izuku is his first after all, its all very new to him and god knows his experience with these relationships are terrible. But what he feels for Izuku, Shouto knows that they're true, that each smile, each laugh and touch from Izuku makes him glow, his gut flutter and makes Shouto's heart stutter in his chest. Often, Shouto dreams of his future, he dreams of a golden band on his finger, and another on Izuku's, children running around a nice house, nothing fancy or overly expensive, a family house filled with warmth and love.

Smiling, Shouto lays on the bed and dreams ...

An airhorn wakes him up, and Shouto shoots out of his bed, quirk activated as Ice runs down to the floor and fire rises off his arm, burning his pyjamas, as Shouto readies an attack. Grey and blue eyes land on the imposing figure of Gang Orca, fully suited up holding an air horn in his clawed hand, looking comically disproportionate, and a gruff voice comes from the hero;

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