Chapter 38

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Hey! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Here's another good song to enjoy! Its From Now On, from The Greatest Showman! Also, here's a link to my Discord server if you want to join:

Dozens of police officers and heroes had gathered by the front of the main compound of the Shie Hassaikai, Nova Blaze leading the group with his extensive and intimate knowledge of the Shie Hassaikai. One officer moves at Nova Blaze's command, pressing the intercom, waiting for it to activate.

Nothing happens for a second, then the gate blasts open, a hulking masked man smashing his way through, air blowing away some of the officers with the sheer force of the blow. A gravelly voice asks from behind the mask;

"Why are you here? And at such a time..."

Acting fast, Nova Blaze catches the thrown away officers with his telekinesis and places them back on solid ground and waits as the Ryukyu transforms into a huge dragon and slams the neck of the man into the ground, pinning him and allowing the others to move. Deeply, the dragon shouts;

"Go now! The Ryukyu agency will deal with this!"

Taking the order, the heroes tagged along with some officers raced inside, blood pumping and adrenaline firing on all cylinders, ready for the battle ahead.

Waiting, every member of the Shie Hassaikai stood, tense in preparation for the fight against the heroes, all to buy time for their leader...

Overhaul marched down the corridor, telling Chronostasis;

"As the grunts buy us time, we move to secure Eri and the future of the Shie Hassaikai."

A steel door pushes open to reveal Eri, tightly cuddling herself to make her smaller, to no avail...

Hundreds of police along with some heroes burst into the compound, shields held strong and guns unholstered, ready to fire. Minor grunts were held back with ease, all they could do was shout and object to what was going on but were too weak to fight. What posed a real threat was the Eigth Precepts of Death; individuals with unique and powerful quirks that were handpicked by Overhaul himself to make a singular fighting group to eliminate all his targets on his orders. They are cruel, unforgiving and merciless.

Sir Nighteye stopped by a plain wall, nothing to out of the ordinary, but halted everyone saying;

"This is the place we enter; I got the code using Foresight on a grunt. The code changes on a regular basis..."

Sir Nighteye kneels down, his hands hovering over the wooden planks of the floor, then pressed them in a certain order. After he finished, a rumble could be heard, then the wall beside him opened, air hissing as it does so and when it fully opens, it reveals a long, concrete corridor with pipes running along the roof with fluorescent lights lighting up.

Running down the corridors, Nova Blaze takes point, his knowledge of the compound along with experience with taking down organisations such as this would prove to be needed. Then, everyone pauses, looking suspiciously at a wall and seemingly dead end; Nova Blaze dismisses the chatter and studies the rim of the wall, seeing the pattern differ from the walls beside it, meaning this was new or fake. Nova Blaze looks to Lemillion and asks;

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