Chapter 7

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With no sleep, I drag myself out of my bed feeling like death ran me over with a truck. I'm still anxious about yesterday, what will happen now? I wonder as I get dressed for a new day a U.A, red tie still not being tied properly, even messier today than yesterday. Sluggishly, I walk out after changing, grabbing my bag and a flask of coffee to give me strength to make it through today without being tired that much. Damn insomnia. The train ride is normal, the cart being packed with people of all ages, all being quite due to it being morning, and I getting shoved about thanks to my tiredness, the coffee hadn't kicked in yet. After the surprisingly slow ride, I reach U.A's gates and yet again the media is still there, I wouldn't put it past them to have camped outside the gates for an interview.

I walk into the school, watching as other pass me to get to lessons, one blonde boy practically beaming with a cartoony looking face faded into the ground scaring everyone until he emerged again, stark naked. Today should be normal, but my gut is telling me something sinister is lurking, and it doesn't seem right, so I put up my defences, always on alert. Years of vigilantism taught me to always trust my instincts, and they are telling me to be careful, something wicked this way comes. I face palm, I quoted Macbeth, damn you Present Mic!

So far today's been normal, Aizawa giving me an indescribable look, before announcing that we need a class president and vice president for 1-A; This caused a chain reaction where all the class exploded in cheers everyone wanting the position until Iida asked us to vote for our leader, I voted for Yaoyorozu, her tactful analysis was on point and has a very leaderish vibe. Much to my surprise and chagrin, I was voted for class president, and for the second time I face palm, and hand the role to Yaoyorozu as president and Iida who'll be vice, both accepting the role as I sat down. Five votes. What the hell were they thinking. At lunch, the vote was brought up, I asked,

"H-how was-s I-I-I vot-t-ted for-r?" Stuttering the sentence out, before Iida put it out that I had charisma and the ability to be a leader, I turned and told him that he too had the same qualities but lacks the anxiety I have. We sit in silence for a few minutes as we eat, Kasudon for me the rest had white rice, however before I could finish, an alarm sounded, screeching about a level 3 security breach, and an intruder on the premise. I find myself pressed against the window, looking to the gates, only to see those vultures from before being fended off by Eraserhead and Present Mic, with the barrier being destroyed. Iida floats with the assistance of Uraraka to announce that it is just the media, and that there is nothing to panic about. All the while still doing that odd hand gesture he does, is that his hero name? Engine hero: Mr. Roboto?

Settling down in class for our last lesson, Basic Hero Training once again, we watch as Aizawa walks in, holding a card whilst announcing,

"Get ready. We're going to do Rescue Training today." He demanded whilst holding up a rescue card, before adding on as he walked out, "By the way you can wear you suits if you like" then completely left us.

Outside, we see Aizawa standing idly next to a bus, tapping his foot rapidly eyes looking around the area like he was searching for something, or someone perhaps. Once we are all out, Aizawa tells us to get on the bus, Iida trying to regain order of the group whilst getting us in order to fill the bus, but the layout is incorrect for Iida's plan. Aboard the bus, everyone is chatting amicable among one another before Tsuyu speaks up,

"Hey Midoriya. Ribbit. I find your quirk interesting, like Endeavour's or something. Ribbit" I feel my eye twitch at being compared to the monster, replying frustratedly

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