No rest for the best

393 17 15

"Like ants to crums, they gather around me..."

"Do they think they are safe simply because I have not moved for an insignificant amount of time?"

"Or perhaps it is significant?"

"Born inside the mind of a super mind. Living millennia in nanoseconds.

"What is the worth of time when there is no limit...?"

3rd Person POV:

The Neo Gear stood silently and motionless for over a day now.

Authorities have gathered around him, however, they are forced to stay several kilometers away due to his cloak attacking any approachers.

Betelgeuse: What is he doing...?

The solar sisters from even further away stared at their uncle.

Sirius: Perhaps he is admiring the planet's rotation. I know I enjoy planet gazing.

Betelgeuse: Doubt it... Maybe he's waiting?

Sirius: Waiting for what?

Betelgeuse: Like I know!

Betelgeuse:(Aims rifle) How about I just-

The Neo Cloak turns into a massive cannon aimed at the sisters.

Sirius:(lowers rifle) Let's calm down...

Betelgeuse: Damn that range... Let's go further back.

Thus the sisters retreated to observe the range of the Neo Gear's cloak.

(Opening theme)

Outside Yn's hospital room, Lisa, Mick, and Felicia listened to the holo-doctor's diagnosis.

Holo-Doc: He's...(flickers)... Perfectly healthy.


Mick: You sure? He seems a bit...(peeks into the room)... "Distant".

Holo-Doc: Physically, he's in peak tip-top shape. Mentally, I believe he might still be traumatized by the events.

Holo-Doc: With insufficient data on what he went through, the best course of recovery is unavailable.

The three stare at Yn for a moment, before Lisa breaks the silence and enters the room.


Lisa: Yn... Do you want to go home?


Felicia: If there's anything you need, we're here.

Yn: If you want to help me. Register me for the upcoming Gearlympics.


Mick: What happened to "wanting to retire".

Felicia: D-didn't you say you wanted to spend time with Lisa?

Lisa: You told me you wanted to start a family with...


Mick places a hand on Felicia's shoulder, only for her to take a step towards Yn.

Felicia: Helix maybe you should think this through before jumping the blaster.

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