Let The Olympics Begin

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"I'm surprised..... In a way."

"Media claims what I've done is a tragedy. But how?"

"The man I killed died how he wanted to. In battle. It was quite merciful compared to what he would have to go through if he lived on."

"And why is killing wrong? Humans adore it if you think about it."

"These Gears they build and use to battle amongst each other..."

"They battle to destroy the Gear, which was created in their image and continues to become more like them..."

"Do you see my point? Humans enjoy killing, but not death."

"If death wasn't an issue, there would be no qualms with murder..."

"With what I've done..."

"But that's impossible... Even so, I will carry on, with my mission, for it is worth more than these few deaths."

"Yes... This mission is for lives."

(3rd Person POV:)

On a spacecraft to Neptune, where the first Gearlympics games would occur, Team Nexstar went over the information about the Neo Gear's most recent appearance.

Mick: Oswaldo is dead...? Stardust...

Bob: Looks like the Neo Gear was serious about his threat.

Yn: Of course he was. Anyone who doubted Lucifix is a fool.

Felicia: Helix, are you going to be alright?

Yn: Why wouldn't I be?

Felicia: It's just that you and Oswaldo were on pretty good terms despite being rivals.

Yn: Do not misinterpret our relationship. He's never been anything more to me than an obstacle.

Lisa: H-Hey... You don't think we'll come across the Neo Gear, do you?

Yn: It's inevitable.

Mick: Are you sure?

Bob: Well... Based on his demands, there is a high probability that contact will be made.

Yn: Exactly. I wager the Neo Gear will come to kill at least one pilot per game.

Lisa: Then why are we or in general... Anyone competing.

Mick: Fame. Fortune and everything in between.


Mick: There's a bounty on this Neo Gear. Destroy it and win the games, then...

Mick: You're smart, you can figure out what that will lead to.

Lisa: What's the bounty?

Bella: Several billion along with 50% ownership of Nexstar Industries.

Their sponsor entered the room.

Lisa: You're giving away half you're company?!

Bella: I thought it would be a good motivator. In all honesty, I currently hold no hope for anyone to defeat this Gear.

Bella: Maybe with ONE exception...

Bella:(glances at Yn)


Yn: I'll be in my cabin if you need me.

Leaving the room, Yn is watched by Bella.

(Opening theme)

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