Countdown To Genesis: Act 3

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3rd Person POV:

Lucifx: "Live Modify"!!

Covered in a shining light, Lucifx is modified into his newest form, designed by Tony.

It was pure black and gave off a negative glow. Two katanas were attached to his hips and his cloak was now armor across his frame, still with the ability to detach and attack.

Both arms were equipped with units that could give him claws.

With a red anti-matter ponytail and a massive spiked tail, Lucifx looked toward the army made of his copies.

(Perfect Remix- Neo Gear: Lucifx Omegalord)

(Perfect Remix- Neo Gear: Lucifx Omegalord)

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Lucifx: Katanas... You just couldn't resist, could you?


Pulling out both blades, Lucifx rushed straight toward his mother.

Lucifx: I'll let it slide for now... If only for the boost to my frame output!

(Omegalord theme)

Brandishing his Nexium blades, antimatter bled onto them, sticking to them thanks to an electromagnetic field.

Each slash obliterated a Nemefix.

His armor then detached into drones which fired at Gears 360° around Lucifx. Shooting down opposing fire and coming together to block attacks, Lucifx was almost untouchable.

Though he was making good progress, Aiba's pillars of oblivion had already formed into their cannon from behind her as she continued her duel with Azrexel.

Lucifx: Tch!

His tail began wildly firing antimatter. Giving himself an opening, Lucifx opens a wormhole and teleports in front of the oblivion cannon that could easily pierce a hole into the Earth.

Tony:(coms) Lucifx, incoming!

Azrexel rips a wormhole open and throws his mega blade through it, sending it to Lucifx who grabs onto it in cannon mode.


The two blasts collide and stop one another.

The question now was when would the massive Katana run out of power.

It didn't matter how powerful it was, the was no way it could match the battery of the Goddess Gear.

Azrexel arrived and began to help hold the blade in place.

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