Range Of Uranus

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"The coming battle mother desires is coming."

"With the parameters given, I predict a high likelihood of instability within the core processors along with the logic algorithm."

"She should be aware of this... Yet..."

"Has she learned of it?"

"Is this my punishment... Or truly another test, if so... Haven't I proven myself already?"

3rd Person POV:

Jen:(broadcasting) Hello, Gearheads! It's your host who burns the most!

Jen:(broadcasting) Jen Direx!


Jen:(broadcasting) Hold your cheers, because I have yet to tell you the almost equally cool stuff.

Jen:(broadcasting) Here on the party planet, Uranus's territory our Olympians have a great challenge ahead.

Jen:(broadcasting) Several platforms have been set up. One for each team.

Jen:(broadcasting) These platforms are made up of several sections...

Jen:(broadcasting) Which the Olympians must shoot down in this range-arsenal only battle!

Jen:(broadcasting) That's right! Range attacks are the only thing allowed. They can throw stuff too.

Jen:(broadcasting) Anything that's not attached to the main body, counts as range.

Jen:(broadcasting) They might be able to move around, but they aren't allowed for any reason on another team's stage.

Jen:(broadcasting) Landing on another's stage for any reason gets you kicked out of this game.

Jen:(broadcasting) Now, with the rules all said, and the stages set...

Jen:(broadcasting) Pilots! It's time to get dressed!

(Opening theme)

On his way to the hangar to begin the games, Yn overheard some strange conversation.


Sneaking a peak, he listened in on the conversation.

???: It's done. The foreign platforms have all been modified to be 47% weaker.

???2: Perfect. Here's your payment...


He walks away, hastily entering his Gear.

Lisa:(coms) What took you so long Yn?

Yn:(coms) Sorry... The lines for my gum were longer than expected.

Mick:(coms) Let me try some later. I want to figure out what kind of gum is so special that you'd wait in line for it.

Yn:(coms) No.

Felicia:(coms) We're up. Let's go.

Taking off, the Earth team travels to their platform.

Felicia:(coms) Lisa. Mick. How are your Gears?

(Core: Uranus Mode)

(Core: Uranus Mode)

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