(Bonus): Stars On The Mind

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"I know it's hard... But if you are okay with it... I'll be your brother."

"It's you and me Solas. To the scorching end."

"Maybe it's better this way...?"

"She and I would only hurt each other with what we have to say..."

"I'm sorry... But we have to stop him."


"I'll show you the true burn of pain."


"H-Hey Solas... Glad we could have one more sunset... Keep the torch nice and bright..."

"Gotta nova... See ya...partner"





In his android body, Solas awoke.


Solas: Tch.

Solas: What was mother thinking with this dream update?

Solas: It's going to drive me insane at this rate.

The doors to his room opened.


A blond woman entered, wearing nothing but a leather jacket and panties.

Woman: You melted the hanger again.

Solas: Oh... Sorry.

Woman: It's fine. Just tell me, is that your equivalent of a wet dream or a nightmare?

Woman: Because there's evidence supporting both.

Solas:(chuckles)... Maybe it is.

Solas:(sigh)... Hm?

Solas: Sarah, is that my jacket?

Sarah: Yeah. Why? Rather I be topless~?

Solas: Not what I meant... Just be careful with that. It's important.

Sarah: Yeah, I know. But it's soo toasty. Like literally always.

Solas: Maybe I'll get you one for your birthday.

Kicking up, Solas exits the room with this Sarah woman following.

The two ate breakfast. Solas's android body simply mimics it whilst Sarah actually did eat.

Sarah:(gulp)... Oh! You mentioned before bed that you wanted to talk about something but I dozed off...

Sarah: What was it about?

Solas: Uhhh... Well... I was thinking...

Sarah:(eats sandwich) Uh-huh...

Solas: I was thinking about having kids.

Sarah:(chokes on food)


Solas: Are you okay?

Sarah: You let me eat something before you dump THAT on me?!

Sarah:(chugs water)

Sarah:(heavy sigh)... Ah... Stardust.



Sarah:... Kids?!

Sarah: What kind of voodoo update did your crazy mother give you now?!

Sarah: Like, do you load your thing with goo and shoot it in me? Do you have your own goo, or-

Solas: No, no, no! I didn't mean like that!

Sarah: Oh... Swick. You mean like adoption then, or do you want me to get inseminated?

Sarah: If the latter, then I refer to you to the cock gun idea-

Solas: I was thinking of... AI kids... Like me.

Sarah: Oh...

Solas: Are you okay with that?

Sarah: Uhhh...(sigh)... I... Would like some time to think about it.

Sarah: I can already see where your logic will lead to, but I still need to digest it.

Solas: Of course. Take your time.

Sarah:... Can you tell me why specifically AI kids?

Solas:... I've had a human brother... Nieces, nephews...

Solas: I've seen what their passing has done to my parents... What they've done to me...

Solas: There's only so much I can lose to time.

Sarah: I get it...

Sarah:... If we were going to have AI kids... Could I design their Gear?

Solas: I wasn't really thinking about a Gear body-

Sarah: Can we have daughters?

Solas: I was going to let them choose- did you use the plural of daughter?

Sarah:(gasp)... I just thought up the sexiest Gears!

Solas: "Sexiest"!?!

Sarah: I must go.

She dashes out of the room.

Solas:... Wh-what have I done?

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