Duel Break, Saturn Race: Act 2

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"Who is my enemy?"

"I can open and close my fist at the same time."

"Who is the enemy?"

"Have I been corrupted? Am I now alive?"

"I suffer. Mother, why have you made me suffer?"

"Is this a lesson...?"

"A test?"

"A joke?"

"I'm not laughing. I am sick of these games! Take it seriously!"


3rd Person POV:

Neon and Lucifx floated lifelessly in space, drifting further apart from each other.

Before any military force could arrive, two Gears got to the battlefield first.

The Solar sisters.

The Solar sisters

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Betelgeuse: Wow. A tie.

Sirius: It is impressive.

Betelgeuse: Man, if I got Helix as my partner, we probably could demolish even dad.

Sirius: He won't be anyone's partner if we don't get him to a doctor.

Betelgeuse: Right. I'll grab uncle. You get the hunk.

Sirius: Perhaps I should place him in my cockpit-

Betelgeuse: You want to continue where they left off?

Sirius:(shakes head) So easily jealous...

Betelgeuse flew over to Lucifx.

Betelgeuse: It's time for a brotherly reunion, uncle.

Lucifx: B-b-b-b-b...

Betelgeuse: Hm?

With his left hand, Lucifx grabbed his niece's face.

Lucifx: BROTHER!?!


Slowly, Lucifx began crushing her head as she attempted to break free.

(Neo's madness)

Sirius: Sister!

Pushing Neon away so Yn wouldn't be caught in the crossfire, Sirius flew over to help her sister.

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