Dark Matters: Act 3

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3rd Person POV:

In the solar family hangar, Bob was up against Mira, who had accepted Aiba's offer and transferred her mind into a Gear body.

Bob was easily outmatched against this Neo Gear who had no more reasons to hold back.

A single anti-matter blast could probably obliterate him. He had to play this carefully if he wanted to survive.


A powerful shot was fired and struck Gam-Old in the back, knocking her down.

She was then bombarded by drones blasting lasers.


Mick:(speaker) Let's go, code kid!

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Mick:(speaker) Let's go, code kid!


Racing to Mick, Bob boosts out of the hole to the outside with Mick right behind. As they arrived back into the outside, a massive explosion went off at two ends.

First, was the twin Gears going all out.

Solas/Lunas: RAAAAAHHH!!

As they teleported into space, the resistance base exploded.

Bob and Mick were pushed back and forth from the explosion.

Bob/Mick: WHAAA!?!



Neon and Core rose from the rubble dented and scratched.

Bob: Thanks, Mick...

Mick:(speaker) Ugh... No prob, Bob.

Bob: Was kinda surprised that you came.

Mick:(speaker) Listen... As long as you have my back, I'll have yours. Let's not overcomplicate things, okay?

Bob: Okay!


Out of the rubble, Gam-Old rose.

Mick:(speaker) It's go-time!

(Opening theme)

Mick aimed Neon's rifle at Gam-Old who used her antimatter whip to deflect the attack.


A powerful explosion was caused by the attack, knocking the two Gears further back.

Getting up, they bombard Gam-Old with all they had, yet she continued through the artillery like a woman through a drizzle.

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