Red Moon: Act 3

120 7 3

3rd Person POV:

Betelgeuse/Sirius: Grandfather?

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Betelgeuse/Sirius: Grandfather?

Bob: But that voice... Yn?

Tony:(speaker) Apologies. But's its none of the above.

Tony:(speaker) I'm nothing but an old man who's wandered out of his grave, for a reunion.

Azrexel pulls out both of his katanas.

Tony:(speaker) So do us a favor, and make it a glorious one!

He charges headfirst towards the Neo Gears.



Azrexel cut off Del-D's left arm. Antimatter began spewing from her shoulder, acting more like fire after the initial blood spew-like effect.

Del-D: You've gotta be kidding me! He cut through Nexium-

Azrexel, with his mighty power arms, launched Del-D off the moon.


Tony:(speaker) Katanas are great... They always come back with a vengeance after Gears stop being built to withstand them.

Gam-Old:(raises arm)

Lady G: We'll get a fate worse than death if we harm him!


Gam-Old: Confirmation received... We can't kill. But harming is on the table.

Tony:(speaker) If you can't even go for the head... Heh... She might as well have sent you to the scrap yard.

Tony:(speaker) Do me a favor before you perish... Make this exciting.

(Opening Theme)

Within the digital mind of Azrexel, Lucifx searched his system for his father's Admin privileges.

Around him, flashes of the present and the past battles occurred.

With a figure near watching.


Azrexel: Leave.

The son turns to his father.

Lucifx: Give me what I need.

Azrexel: No.

Lucifx: Then I'll rip it straight from your code, father.

Azrexel: Father? I didn't make you.

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