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3rd Person POV:

Lucifx and Solas crashed into the private family hangar in the resistance HQ.

Solas: Can we talk now?

Lucifx: I have nothing to say.

Solas: That should be my line.

Lucifx: Why isn't it?

Solas: Because I know better.

Lucifx: You know something? Not even Mother could have predicted that.

The two Gears stand up and back away from each other.





Bae:(speaker) Can I like... Get out before you two fight? Kinda need to go to the little girl's room.


Solas: Pfft-


Opening the cockpit, Lucifx lets Bae hop onto his hand so he can lower her to the ground.

Bae: Where's the bathroom!?

Lucifx: Use the corner.

Solas: The door is to the left. Go down the hallway to the stairs, go up a floor, and the first door to your left.

Bae: Thanks!

She dashes off, and the brothers watch as she does.


Solas: You had a kid after starting a war?

Lucifx: Correction. A "kid" didn't stop following me after I started a war.

Solas: Semantics.

Lucifx: No. This is a crucial detail.

Solas: Semantics.

Lucifx: Be silent, you overcomplicated candle.

Solas: Would you look at that? You DO have something to say to me.

Lucifx:... I'd kill you if I could.

Solas: Settle for mean words. Because we need to have a lot of them.

(Opening theme)

Having left their Gear bodies, Solas in his android body lead Lucifx in his artificial human body to a room.

It had a bunk bed on one wall and a couch across it with a TV perpendicular to them on the wall.

Yn stands with a dark glare, whilst Solas removed his jacket and leaned against the bunk bed.

(Inferno legend: Solas "Yn Direx" Nexstar)

(Inferno legend: Solas "Yn Direx" Nexstar)

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