Countdown To Genesis

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3rd Person POV:

Landing on Aiba's chest, Lucifx ignited his beam saber and thrusted it into her, attempting to pierce the Nexium armor.

However, it was no use. Before Aiba could slam her hand onto him, Lucifx flew off with a rough estimate of her armor strength.

Yn:(mind) The armor is too thick for a normal attack. I am going to need to have 30 uninterrupted seconds.

Yn:(mind) A point-blank, continuous blast with my cannon should pierce the armor.

Yn:(mind) Alternatively... An antimatter explosion.

Yn:(mind) The Jupiter Brain has been modified into this Gear, so Helix might still be inside...

Yn:(mind) If he's still alive...

Lucifx:(coms) Deimos, Betelgeuse, Sirius. Do you copy?

Betelgeuse:(coms) Didn't think you knew our names.

Sirius:(coms) How are our fathers?

Lucifx:(coms) Floating uselessly.

Lucifx:(coms) Tell me when you've roughed up those rejects enough.

Lucifx:(coms) I'm going to use them as bombs.

Aiba:(coms) How interesting.

Lucifx:(coms) I can already guess your counter plan, so stay silent.

Bob:(coms) Yn, the gold one is Mira!

Lucifx:(coms) I have bigger concerns to worry about, Bob.

Bob:(coms) But...

Lucifx:(coms) She's going to be a bomb now. Get over it-

A wormhole opens in front of Lucifx, and out of it comes one of Aiba's massive hands.


He switches directions, only to find another wormhole with another hand of Aiba reaching out for him.

In each direction he changes to he finds the same thing. A hand reaching out towards him.

Lucifx: Tch!

(Opening theme)

Betelgeuse faced Lady G, Del-D faced Deimos, and Sirius was up against Gam-Old.

Tifa: Get ready, things are about to get rough.

Lisa: Okay...

She hugged the girl attached to Yn.

Lisa: It's going to be okay...

Sirius:(readies spear)

Gam-Old:(raises whip)

The fight broke out, with massive explosions.

(Battle Theme)

With the Neo Gears not worried about damaging the area, they threw their Dark Matter wildly.

Sirius rushed forward, her drill tip spinning and generating a blue inferno of a tornado which she thrusts at Gam-Old, covering her in flames that blinded her to Sirius's stab.

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