Red Moon

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3rd Person POV:

Solas, Tifa, Yn, Jen, and because she became a solar pilot, Felicia,  sat around in the bedroom where Solas first brought Yn.

Jen sat on the top bunk, Tifa, on the bottom, with Felicia standing beside it.

Solas layed on the couch, whilst Yn leaned near the door.

Solas: Sirius.

Tifa: Through satellite hacking, we've learned that the Dark Matter Gears are still in the area.

Tifa: They've set up a little camp, and are attempting to excavate.

Yn: It changes nothing.

Yn: The plan will be simple.

Yn: At least three Gears will attract the attention of the inferior versions of myself.

Jen: Question.

Yn: Wait until I'm finished.

Yn: Meanwhile, Solas and I will break in through the true entrance.

Yn: There, we will restore my abilities then leave.

Yn: Now. Your questions.

Jen: Yes! Now... Your old models seem... Girl-ish. Care to comment?


Yn: By the fifth model. It began to look more "male-ish" as you might say.

Jen: Grandma wanted a girl, didn't she?

Yn:(looks to Solas) Only a genius could create an idiot such as that.

Jen: Hey!

Solas: Let's cool it. Who are we going to send to distract the diaper models?

Yn: Your daughters and one more should do.

Yn: I recommend Bob.

Felicia: So a practically all-AI team?

Yn: Is there an issue with that somehow?

Yn: If you want to sacrifice human lives. Be my guest. Who do you want to die? Mick?

Felicia: That isn't what I meant!

Yn: What did you mean?

Felicia: Whatever. It doesn't matter. The only issue is that Bob isn't allowed to go without Lisa.

Yn: Not anymore. Lisa has no place on the battlefield.

Tifa: That isn't necessarily true.

Yn: And this meeting is not about that. I told you the plan. And since none of you have objected to it...

Yn: I'll be preparing. Do so as well.

He leaves the room.

(Opening Theme)

Yn was tinkering on two spherical objects whilst Bae sat watching.



Bae: What are you doing?

Yn: Making a gadget I need for my mission.

Bae: Mission? Can I come?

Yn: No.

Bae: Why not?

Yn: We don't have a space suit for children.

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