Dark Matters: Act 2

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"So... How have you been?"

(Heavy Sigh)

"That bad..."

"What am I still doing here? Why am I still alive? Living?"

"Because I can? Is there no end?"

"Bud, I'm smart with technology. Philosophy... Emotions... They're not my strong sides."


"Unless... The original became good at those."

"Nah... You had your moments but you mostly scrap till the end."

"I missed the old days... Where  I could survive off of rage alone. The days when might was right and we could change the world with a fight."

"What's stopping you from continuing that way of life?"

"I'm outdated... The cheap Gear could probably give me a run for my money if it weren't for my weapons."

"Who would I even fight?"

"Aiba? She seems to need a hard reset."

"You want me to beat up my wife?"

"Don't be ridiculous... I want you to defend yourself against your wife as you try to talk to her again."


"Don't get me wrong, you're tough, but against someone made by me, you stand no chance."

"Don't I know it...."

"We have access to this Live System. How about we give you an upgrade and one last hurrah of a battle."

"Just you and me against the universe? Like it's always been."




(Opening theme)

Bob and Mick were back-to-back in their Gears.

(Core: Venus mode)

(Core: Venus mode)

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