The Big Bang Over

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3rd Person POV:

Due to them destroying Lucifx together, Yn, Felicia, and Mick were going to be honored with medals by Earth's leader in front of a system-wide audience.

In front of a holo-mirror, Yn put on a suit for the occasion.

Tony: Don't do this.

Yn: It must be done.

Tony: I can think of 200 different ways off the top of my head. Better than this.

Yn: She can think of every possible way. Yet she chose this.

Tony: Yes. And once this is done, she'll get rid of you.


Tony: Deny it all you want. But it's a fact. Things have changed.

Yn: False.

Tony: True. These feelings have corrupted you.

Yn: What would you know? You are so out of touch with emotions you confused them-

Tony: I've grown since then.

Yn: You or Nexstar?

Tony: Same thing.

Yn: Are you certain? You spawn from a simulation. You do not know how accurate that simulation was.

Tony: Existential crises aren't infectious.

Yn pockets an item into his jacket.

Tony: You can never go back after this. Rember that.

Yn: It won't be just me. But everyone. And that's exactly what the system needs.

Leaving his room, Yn passes Bob who notices somethinging strange in his jacket.


(Opening Theme)

Mick and Felicia were sharing a car to the Nexer residence. Felicia silently gazed up at the Olympic space station that orbited Earth.

Mick: Wish it was two days until the next game. Today would be a great day to celebrate.

Felicia: We can throw a massive party when we win the games.

Mick: Yeah. With our winning streak, we're about to make history.

Mick: Hey. We might even become legends like Direx and Nexstar.

Felicia: That's pushing it.

Mick: Maybe... Still.

Mick: Hey, after the ceremony, and a little group dinner... Do you want to come over and watch a movie with me?

Felicia: Mick...

Mick: I get it. We should focus on the games and all...

Mick: But, Felicia I just want to know where we are at.

Mick: Helix complicated things... And I ain't smart enough to figure it out.

Mick: Do you still want to be together with me or...?



Mick: I get it, you didn't choose me over him, I was just the only option.

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