Guess Who's Back

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3rd Person POV:

Yn and Solas landed back inside resistance HQ. Where they were treated with multiple Gears pointed at them.

More specifically, Yn.

Solas: Isn't this nice?

Yn:(sarcastically) I feel absolutely welcomed.

Exiting the jet, the brothers were met with the solar daughters who were holding Bae, with the ex-teammates of Yn standing beside them.

Felicia: Who the stardust do you think you are!?

Yn: The only person who has a chance of defeating Aiba.

Felicia: Since when are you a person?

Yn:... Hmph.

Walking past her, Yn follows Solas.

Bae: What about me?

Tifa: We need to have an adult conversation. So why don't you go play in that room I showed you?

Bae:(sigh)... Fine.


Mick: We better keep our guard up.


Jen: Felicia.


Felicia: Come find me in an hour or so.


The brothers and sisters then convene in a private room to discuss the situation.

Solas: That's what happened.

Jen: Antimatter gears? Oh great. If a planet-size supercomputer wasn't bad enough.

Tifa: Why doesn't Grandmother simply make more Lucifx's, instead of those mass-production units or these inferior models?

Yn: Another Lucifx model does not only resource-heavy but incredibly demanding even for an AI.

Yn: Mother might only have enough Nexium for a handful of Lucifx models.

Yn: And she cannot simply give it to any AI. She'll have to create one specifically for each Lucifx.

Yn: Which she cannot at the moment.

Jen: Well that's some good news...

Solas: Let's focus on how are we going to break into that fort...

Yn: I have ideas.

(Opening theme)

Felicia found Jen staring up at her Gear body, the solar daughter Betelgeuse.

Felicia: So what's this about?

Jen: You've probably realized I'm...

Felicia: I don't get fooled twice.

Jen: Good. I'll get straight to the point.

Jen: Be my pilot.

Felicia: Wh-what...?

Jen: Be. My. Pilot.

Felicia: You want me? Why?

Jen: To be transparent, I wanted Helix... But he's uncle at the moment.

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