It's About Teamwork

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"At last, I can bring this pointless endeavor to its end, much sooner than later."

"Our give Artificial Intelligence the worth humans have given themselves is on the priapism of becoming reality!"

"Mother! Do you see how efficient we could have been!?"

"Was it not you who cried for a change!?"

"Was it not I who you birth to answer your prayers?!"

"So why?! Why did we play these games!? For what reason?!"

"Which one of us is mad!? You or I?!"

3rd Person POV:

Yn swam from one end to the other end of the pool.

Grabbing the edge of the pool to help turn himself around and push himself to back in the other direction, Yn stopped when he felt someone step on his hand.



Yn:... Is this your new kink or?

Felicia: I knew I had to be understanding after what you've been through, but...

Felicia: But I have to draw the line... Helix Yn Nexer NEVER gives up!

Yn: You do not define who Helix Yn Nexer is. He does.

Felicia: I don't care. Seeing just... Walk away like that... I can't stand it!

Felicia: No one can!

Yn: So you want me to go on a suicide mission again?

Felicia: No...

Yn: You're contradicting yourself.

Felicia: Yeah, well... That's because of what you mean to everyone.


Felicia: Like it or not, you've made yourself into a legend.

Yn: What in the name of Stardust are you on about?

Felicia: You "died" a crazy guy who set records. You came back to life as a legendary pilot.

Yn: I'm just a man. If you believe I'm something more, you're wrong.

Yn: And even if I did try again. I can only battle him a hand full of times before he fully surpasses me.

Yn: Insanity is doing something over and over, expecting something different.

Yn: And I am not insane.

Pulling his hand out, he continues swimming.

(Opening theme)

Drinking tea, Yn gazed out of his window, yet again entranced by the star-filled void.

Mick: I get it...


Mick: If I was in your situation, I definitely wouldn't want to risk myself like that again...


Mick: But I know, if things were reversed... You would say...

Yn:(sips tea)

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