The Mars Stand

112 8 3

"By my estimations, the mission will be completed in a week, give or take a few days."

"My feelings of joy are mixed with something so melancholy."

"Though feeling will be the norm with all artificial intelligence, I must ask mother to remove them from me."

"It would be difficult to help guide the AI through these false emotions."

"These false emotions....."

3rd Person POV:

Jen:(Broadcasting) Babes, and respective Gear-loving Women!

Jen:(Broadcasting) Let me be the first to welcome you all to Mars! The second home of humanity!

Jen:(Broadcasting) Despite the number of withdrawals from the games, I'm telling you now that this just means more epic battles.

Jen:(Broadcasting) Now onto the game itself.

Jen:(Broadcasting) I like to call it avalanche!

Jen:(Broadcasting) This will be a true test of these Gear's strength!

Jen:(Broadcasting) The rules are simple. Each Gear is going to lift the biggest and most heaviest thing they can find.

Jen:(Broadcasting) And throw it.

Jen:(Broadcasting) Winner is whoever can throw the heaviest object the farthest!

Jen:(Broadcasting) Weight, size, will all be judged compared to a Gear's own weight and size.

Jen:(Broadcasting) Big boys better are throwing big things!

Jen:(Broadcasting) Now, without further ado... Gears! Launch!

(Opening theme)

The Nexer siblings, in their modified Gears, strutted out.

(Core: Mars mode)

(The one Gear army: Neon Army)

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(The one Gear army: Neon Army)

(The one Gear army: Neon Army)

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